Propriedade IEndpointSwitch.EndpointAutoSwitchEnabled
Aplica-se a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online
Gets or sets whether automatic switching from the current endpoint of the web service to an alternate endpoint is enabled.
Namespace: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (em Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll)
Property EndpointAutoSwitchEnabled As Boolean
bool EndpointAutoSwitchEnabled { get; set; }
Valor de Propriedade
Type: Booleano
true if the automatic switching is enabled; otherwise, false.
Set to true by default for organizations that support disaster recover where an alternate endpoint is available. This property relates only to what the client-side SDK classes do, for example OrganizationServiceProxy, and does not alter the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server functionality in any way. Setting this property to false for an organization that is disaster failover enabled causes the client SDK classes to not attempt switching the endpoints if a failover is required.
Segurança do Thread
Todos os membros estáticos (Shared in Visual Basic) desse tipo são protegidos por thread. Não há nenhum garantia de que os membros de instância sejam protegidos por thread.
Plataformas de desenvolvimento
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 e
Plataformas de destino
Windows Vista,Windows XP
Consulte também
Interface IEndpointSwitch
Membros de IEndpointSwitch
Namespace Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client
Outros recursos
Disaster Recovery in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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