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Enumeração ClientState

Aplica-se a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

Contains the possible states for the State property.

Namespace: Microsoft.Crm.Outlook.Sdk
Assembly: Microsoft.Crm.Outlook.Sdk (em Microsoft.Crm.Outlook.Sdk.dll)


Public Enumeration ClientState
public enum ClientState


Nome do membro Descrição
BackgroundGoingOffline The background synchronization to the offline database is in progress. Value = 12.
ClientLoadFailure There was a failure in loading CRM para Outlook during Microsoft Outlook startup.Value = 6.
ClientVersionHigher The CRM para Outlook version is later than that on the server. Value = 8.
ClientVersionLower The CRM para Outlook version is earlier than that on the server. Value = 7.
Disable The CRM para Outlook client is disabled. Value = 14.
GoingOffline CRM para Outlook is going offline. Value = 4.
GoingOfflineCanceled The user canceled the go offline process.Value = 11.
GoingOnline CRM para Outlook is going online.Value = 5.
NotConfigured The CRM para Outlook client is not yet configured. Value = 13.
Offline CRM para Outlook is offline. Value = 1.
Online CRM para Outlook is online. Value = 0.
OnlineCrmNotAvailable The Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is not available. Value = 10.
PostOfflineUpgrade CRM para Outlook was upgraded while offline. Value = 9.
SyncToOutlook CRM para Outlook is currently synchronizing Microsoft Outlook with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.Value = 2.
SyncToOutlookError There was an error in the last synchronization between Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.Value = 3.
Unknown The state of the CRM para Outlook client is unknown. Value = -1.


Plataformas de desenvolvimento

Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 e

Plataformas de destino

Windows Vista,Windows XP

Consulte também


Namespace Microsoft.Crm.Outlook.Sdk

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