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Sample: Calculate a credit score with a custom workflow activity


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2013

This sample code is for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. Download the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK package. It can be found in the following location in the download package:



The following customizations must exist for this custom workflow activity to work:

  • Entity Schema Name: new_loanapplication

  • Attribute: new_loanapplicationid as the primary key

  • Attribute: new_creditscore of type int with min of 0 and max of 1000 (if it is to be updated)

  • Attribute: new_loanamount of type money with default min/max

  • Customize the form to include the attribute new_loanapplicantid

The contact entity must have the following customizations:

  • Attribute: new_ssn as Single Line of Text with max length of 15

  • One-To-Many Relationship with these properties:

    • Relationship Definition Schema Name: new_loanapplicant

    • Relationship Definition Related Entity Display Name: Loan Application

    • Relationship Attribute Schema Name: new_loanapplicantid

    • Relationship Behavior Type: Referential


The following sample workflow activity calculates the credit score based on the Social Security Number (SSN) and name.


/// <summary>
/// Calculates the credit score based on the SSN and name. 
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This depends on a custom entity called Loan Application and customizations to Contact.
/// Loan Application requires the following properties:
/// <list>
///     <item>Schema Name: new_loanapplication</item>
///     <item>Attribute: new_loanapplicationid as the primary key</item>
///     <item>Attribute: new_creditscore of type int with min of 0 and max of 1000 (if it is to be updated)</item>
///     <item>Attribute: new_loanamount of type money with default min/max</item>
///     <item>Customize the form to include the attribute new_loanapplicantid</item>
/// </list>
/// Contact Requires the following customizations
/// <list>
///     <item>Attribute: new_ssn as nvarchar with max length of 15</item>
///     <item>One-To-Many Relationship with these properties:
///         <list>
///             <item>Relationship Definition Schema Name: new_loanapplicant</item>
///             <item>Relationship Definition Related Entity Name: Loan Application</item>
///             <item>Relationship Atttribute Schema Name: new_loanapplicantid</item>
///             <item>Relationship Behavior Type: Referential</item>
///         </list>
///     </item>
/// </list>
/// The activity takes, as input, a EntityReference to the Loan Application and a boolean indicating whether new_creditscore should be updated to the credit score.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref=">ArgumentNullException">Thrown when LoanApplication is null</exception>
/// <exception cref=">ArgumentException">Thrown when LoanApplication is not a EntityReference to a LoanApplication entity</exception>
public sealed partial class RetrieveCreditScore : CodeActivity
    private const string CustomEntity = "new_loanapplication";

    protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
        //Check to see if the EntityReference has been set
        EntityReference loanApplication = this.LoanApplication.Get(executionContext);
        if (loanApplication == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Loan Application has not been specified", new ArgumentNullException("Loan Application"));
        else if (loanApplication.LogicalName != CustomEntity)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Loan Application must reference a Loan Application entity",
                new ArgumentException("Loan Application must be of type Loan Application", "Loan Application"));

        //Retrieve the CrmService so that we can retrieve the loan application
        IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>();
        IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
        IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.InitiatingUserId);

        //Retrieve the Loan Application Entity
        Entity loanEntity;
            //Create a request
            RetrieveRequest retrieveRequest = new RetrieveRequest();
            retrieveRequest.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "new_loanapplicationid", "new_loanapplicantid" });
            retrieveRequest.Target = loanApplication;

            //Execute the request
            RetrieveResponse retrieveResponse = (RetrieveResponse)service.Execute(retrieveRequest);

            //Retrieve the Loan Application Entity
            loanEntity = retrieveResponse.Entity as Entity;

        //Retrieve the Contact Entity
        Entity contactEntity;
            //Create a request
            EntityReference loanApplicantId = (EntityReference)loanEntity["new_loanapplicantid"];

            RetrieveRequest retrieveRequest = new RetrieveRequest();
            retrieveRequest.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "fullname", "new_ssn", "birthdate" });
            retrieveRequest.Target = loanApplicantId;

            //Execute the request
            RetrieveResponse retrieveResponse = (RetrieveResponse)service.Execute(retrieveRequest);

            //Retrieve the Loan Application Entity
            contactEntity = retrieveResponse.Entity as Entity;

        //Retrieve the needed properties
        string ssn = (string)contactEntity["new_ssn"];
        string name = (string)contactEntity[ContactAttributes.FullName];
        DateTime? birthdate = (DateTime?)contactEntity[ContactAttributes.Birthdate];
        int creditScore;

        //This is where the logic for retrieving the credit score would be inserted
        //We are simply going to return a random number
        creditScore = (new Random()).Next(0, 1000);

        //Set the credit score property
        this.CreditScore.Set(executionContext, creditScore);

        //Check to see if the credit score should be saved to the entity
        //If the value of the property has not been set or it is set to true
        if (null != this.UpdateEntity &amp;&amp; this.UpdateEntity.Get(executionContext))
            //Create the entity
            Entity updateEntity = new Entity(loanApplication.LogicalName);
            updateEntity["new_loanapplicationid"] = loanEntity["new_loanapplicationid"];
            updateEntity["new_creditscore"] = this.CreditScore.Get(executionContext);

            //Update the entity

    //Define the properties
    [Input("Loan Application")]
    public InArgument<EntityReference> LoanApplication { get; set; }

    [Input("Update Entity's Credit Score")]
    public InArgument<bool> UpdateEntity { get; set; }

    [Output("Credit Score")]
    [AttributeTarget(CustomEntity, "new_creditscore")]
    public OutArgument<int> CreditScore { get; set; }

See Also

Custom workflow activities (workflow assemblies)
Add metadata to a custom workflow activity