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ReqTraceMessageDetailType Enumeration

Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
OrderQuantityMinMax 0 Order quantity %1 based on Min/Max coverage code in date interval %2 to %3 with Min %4 and Max %5
OrderQuantityManual 1 Order quantity %1 since coverage code is manual
OrderQuantityPeriodCoverage 2 Order quantity %1 based on period coverage code in date interval %2 to %3
OrderQuantityRequirement 3 Order quantity %1 based on coverage code requirement
OrderSizeHigherThanMaxSize 5 Order size of %1 is higher than maximum order size %2 so decreasing size
OrderSizeLessThanMinSize 6 Order size of %1 is less than minimum order size %2 so increasing size
OrderSizeRoundedToInventSize 7 Order size of %1 is rounded to inventory size %2
InitialRequirementDate 8 Initial value for requirement date=%1, quantity=%2
AddBOMLine 9 Adding BOM line: Item=%1, Type=%2, Dimension=%3, Requirement date=%4, Quantity=%5
CriteriaBOM 10 Using specific BOM %1
CriteriaRoute 11 Using specific route %1
DerivedTransferDelayed 12 The derived transfer is delayed, so the futures date is set based on futures date %1 of the derived transfer and scheduled forward according to order margin %2 and calendar
DerivedTransferNotDelayed 13 The derived transfer is not delayed no futures date is set
InitialReceiptFutureDate 14 Initial receipt future date=%1
FutureDateAfterMargins 15 Future date set after issue and receipt margins and calendars = %1
FutureDateNoChange 16 Future date for receipt %1 less than already set futures date %2 so no change applied
FutureDaysForwardReqDate 17 Futures days %1 set based on order date and scheduled forward from requested date %2 according to calendar
FutureDaysForwardSchedEnd 18 Futures days %1 set based on order date and scheduled forward from planned order scheduled end date %2 according to calendar
FuturesDateDerivedTransfer 19 Futures date set based on futures date %1 of the derived transfer and scheduled forward according to order margin %2 and calendar
FuturesDateTodayForward 20 Futures date set based on today's date %1 scheduled forward according to order margin %2, lead time %3, purchase calendar %4 and calendar
OrderDelayedDueToFutures 21 Order is delayed since futures date %1 is greater than requirement date %2
OrderNotDelayed 22 Order is not delayed since futures date %1 is less than requirement date %2
BOMFound 23 BOM %1 found
BOMNotFound 24 No BOM was found
RouteFound 25 Route %1 found
RouteNotFound 26 No route was found
ApplyReceiptMargin 27 Applying receipt margin of %1 days to delivery date %2
DeliveryDateAfterLocking 28 Placing delivery date after the locking time fence of %1 days
ActionInitialQuantity 29 Initial uncovered receipt quantity %1
ActionSumChange 30 Adding action quantity=%1 and settings days based on future date %2 from issue %3. Action days=%4, quantity=%5
ActionDaysFromReceiptFuturesDate 31 Base date must be set from futures date %1, setting days=%2
ActionReceiptTimeGreaterThanIssueTime 32 Receipt time %1 greater than minimum requirement time %2, subtracting 1 day
ActionReceiptTimeGreaterDefaultTime 33 Receipt time %1 greater than default receipt time %2, subtracting 1 day
ActionIssueTimeLessDefaultTime 34 Minimum issue time %1 less than default receipt time %2, subtracting 1 day
ActionDaysNotWithinMargins 35 Action days %1 is not within the postpone/advance margins of %2/%3 or the settings do not allow postpone/receipts, setting action days to zero
ActionUpdate 36 Updating receipt with action days %1, action quantity %2 and action type %3
ActionUpdatePostponedDateAsReqDate 37 Updating requirement date of the planned purchase order with the postponed date %1
ActionQtyNotAllowed 38 Action quantity %1 but the settings do not allow action increase/decrease, changing to zero
ActionQtyChanged 39 Quantity changed to %1 due to min/max order size or rounding
ActionTypeCannotHaveQuantity 40 Receipts of type %1 cannot have action quantity, changing to zero

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++