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TrvExpTrans Table

The TrvExpTrans table contains expense report lines.

Configuration Key: Trv


  Method Description
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif allApproverJustification Returns concatenated string of all approver justifications, along with their names.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif amountCurrWithCurrencyCode Displays the amount in transaction currency, alongwith the transaction currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif amountCurrWithoutTax Displays the amount in transaction currency without the corrected tax
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif amountMST Sets the AmountMST field based on the transaction amount, exchange code and exchange rate.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif amountMSTWithCurrencyCode Displays the amount in company currency, alongwith the company currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif anyPolicyViolations Returns whether the expense line has any policy violations.
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif anyUserFieldsHaveChanged
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif aosValidateDelete Validates on the server that the specified record can be deleted from a table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif aosValidateInsert Validates on the server that the specified record can be inserted. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif aosValidateRead Validates on the server that the specified record can be read. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif aosValidateUpdate Validates on the server that the specified record can be updated. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif approverJustification Returns concatenated string of justifications entered by the other approvers, excluding the current approver.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif authorizedAmount Gives the amount on the requisition line to which the expense line is mapped.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif authorizedAmountWithCurrencyCode Displays the amount on the requisition line to which the expense line is mapped in company currency, alongwith the company currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif authorizedApproveAmount Displays the amount for approval in company currency for the current user.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif authorizedApproveAmountWithCurrencyCode Displays the amount for approval in company currency, alongwith the company currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif budgetCheckResult Gets the budget check and project budget check result for an expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif buf2con Packs the table buffers of an xRecord instance into an X++ container. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calcIntercompanyAmounts Updates the intercompany amount fields, which store the transfer price of the expense between the entities, as well as the sales price in the borrowing legal entity.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calcKM Calculate amount for the mileage expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calcTaxAmount Calculate tax amount for the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif cancelTimeOut Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif canSubmitToWorkflow Indicates whether submission to workflow is possible. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif caption Gets and sets the caption property of a table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif categoryDescription Returns the category description of the category on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif categoryOrSubCategoryName Returns the category or the subcategory name.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif checkBudget Performs a budget check on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif checkBudgetOnDemand Performs an on demand budget check on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif checkInvalidFieldAccess Gets and sets invalid field access. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif checkProjectBudget Performs a project budget check on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif checkProjectBudgetOnDemand Performs an on demand project budget check on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif checkRecord Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to check mandatory fields. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif checkRestrictedDeleteActions Gets and sets the property that indicates whether a record can be deleted. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif clear Removes all rows from the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif clearSDLForItemizedHeader Removes distributions, accounting event and budget for the itemized header expense line.
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif clearTaxFields
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif company Gets and sets the property that indicates a legal entity for the record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif con2buf Unpacks a container into the table buffers. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif concurrencyModel Gets and sets the default concurrency model to use to update records. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif context Gets and sets the context property. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif copyFields Copies the expense line fields to the specified buffer.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif copyFieldsForItemization Copies fields needed for itemization Lines from the Header line
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif copyValuesToChildLines
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif costPerGroup Returns the total expense amount for the statistics group of the category on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif createTaxUncommitted Calculate and create TaxUncommitted record for the expense line, if needed
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif creditCardAmountWithCurrencyCode Displays the amount charged on the credit card, alongwith the credit card currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif data Retrieves a row from the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif dataSource Retrieves the data source of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif deductionWithCurrencyCode Displays deduction along with the currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif defaultField Populates default values in a field in the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif defaultRow Populates default values in fields in the table in the non-interactive case. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif delete Clear up when expense line is removed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif detachFromExpenseReport Detaches the expense line from the expense report. If there is no unreconciled expense associated this method creates one and then performs a delete which will also transfer all receipts to the newly created unreconciled expense
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif disableCache Gets and sets the property that indicates whether caching is disabled. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif dispose Releases resources that are used by the xRecord object. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif doClear Removes all rows from the table buffer and bypasses any additional logic in the clear method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif doDelete Deletes the current record from the table and bypasses any additional logic in the delete method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif doInsert Inserts the record into the table and bypasses any additional logic in the insert method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif doUpdate Updates the current record and bypasses any additional logic in the update method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif doValidateDelete Performs the action to validate that a record can be deleted. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif duplicateExpenseLine Duplicates the current expense line
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editAmountLocal Enter and view itemized line amount in transaction currency
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editCategoryOrSubCategoryDescription Edit method for the category name on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editCategoryOrSubCategoryName Edit method for the category ID on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editCity
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editExchRate
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editProjectName Edit method for the project name on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editSubCategory
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editSubCategoryDescription
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif editZipCode
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif equal Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif evaluatePolicies Evaluate policies on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif evaluateProjectPoliciesOnSubmit Evaluates the project policies at submit, and saves them.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif exchrate Default exchange rate from currency exchange rate setup
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif expTable
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif expType
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif expTypeSpecificValidation Validates the expense line for specific expense types.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif fieldAccessRight Returns the field access right. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif fieldBufferAccessRight Returns the field access right for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif fieldState Sets or returns the state of a field in the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getAllowRedefault Returns the list of fields that are allowed to re-default. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getDefaultCostRate
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getDefaultingDependencies Returns the container that holds defaulting dependencies. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getExtension Returns the table extension. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getFieldValue Gets the value of the specified field from a table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getInstanceRelationType Returns the table name that corresponds to the InstanceRelationType ID. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getPhysicalTableName Return the physical table name, which, in the case of the SQL Temp DB table, is the table instance name. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getPresenceFieldData Retrieves the PresenceInfo value from the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getSQLStatement Gets the SQL statement that is used to return records from the database. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getTableInInstanceHierarchy (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getTableType Indicates the type of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getTimeOutTimerHandle Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif handle Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif handleItemizableCategory
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif hasActiveWorkflowStatus
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif hasGuests Returns whether the expense line has guests, persons entertained or gift recipients specified for it.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif hasRelatedTable Indicates whether a foreign key constraint buffer is linked with the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif helpField Retrieves a string that contains the Help text for the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif hotelSubCategoryExpenseType Gets the specific expense type of the hotel itemized lines based on the subcategory.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initFromCreditCardTransaction Initalize expense line from credit card transaction.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initFromCreditCardTransactionRecord Initalize expense line from credit card transaction.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initFromImportedTransaction Initializes the expense line from the unreconciled expense transaction.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initFromImportedTransactionRecord Initializes the expense line from the unreconciled expense transaction.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initFromTrvExpItemizedHeader Initalize the itemized line according to its parent itemized or header line
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initFromTrvExpTable
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initializeInterCompanyCategory
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initValue Initializes field values in a new TrvExpTrans record.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif initValueHelper Helper method for initializing values on the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif inputStatus Sets or returns the current input status of the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif insert
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif interactiveContext Sets or returns the current interactive context of the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isAllowedToDuplicate Checks if current expense line is allowed to duplicate
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isAutoItemizedLine Checks if the expense line has been auto-itemized.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isBudgetCheckDone Checks if budget check was performed for the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isBudgetCheckRequired Checks if budget check is needed for the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isBudgetFailed Checks if the expense line has GL budget status of failed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isCategoryIntegratedWithProject Indicates if the category on the expense line, is integrated with project.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isCreditCardAndCompanyCurrencyDifferent Determines if the credit card currency and the accounting currency are different.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isCreditCardTransanction Determines if the transaction is a credit card transaction.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isCreditCardTransanctionInLocalCurrency Determines if the credit card transaction occurred in a currency different from the credit card currency.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isDisputed Checks if the expense line is disputed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isDistributed Checks if the expense line has been distributed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isDistributionsCompleted Checks if the expense line is fully distributed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isDistributionsEnabled Indicates whether distributions should be enabled for the current expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isEditable Returns whether the current expense transaction is editable depending on the workflow status.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isFieldDataRetrieved Checks whether the data of the given field has been retrieved. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isFieldSet Checks whether a field has a Set or Defaulted state. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isFormDataSource Indicates whether the data source is a form. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isGuestType Checks if an expense is allowed to have guests.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isIntercompany Checks if the expense is intercompany.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isItemizable Indicates whether the expense line is itemizable.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isNewRecord Returns true if the record is a new record that hasn't been persisted yet. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isPartOfUOWSaveChanges (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isPotentialTemporaryCredit Indicates whether an imported credit card transaction is a potential temporary credit for another disputed credit card transaction.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isProjBudgetFailed Checks if the expense line has project budget status of failed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isSplittable Returns whether the current expense line can be split to personal
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isTaxApplicable Checks whether tax is applicable for this expense line
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isTaxFieldsMandatory Indicates whether the tax fields are mandatory.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isTaxRecoverable Checks if the expense line tax is recoverable.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isTempDb Indicates whether the type of the table is SQL TempDB. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isTemporaryCreditMappedToDispute Indicates whether the credit card transaction was considered a temporary credit and was mapped to a dispute.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isTmp Indicates whether this is a temporary table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif isTransactionAndCompanyCurrencyDifferent Determines if the transaction currency and the accounting currency are different.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif itemizationStatus Gets a value indicating the itemization status.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif joinChild Finds the join child of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif joinParent Finds the join parent of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif linkPhysicalTableInstance Checks whether there is a link for the physical table instance for the record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif localCurrency Transaction currency corresponding to current itemized line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif mapToRequisitionLine Maps the expense line to a travel requisition line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif merge Merges the current table with the specified table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif modifiedField
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif modifiedFieldValue Modifies the specified field to the original value. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif needToUpdateReqReconciliationStatus
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif new Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notify Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notifyAll Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif objectOnServer Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif orig Retrieves the original values of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif overwriteSystemfields Gets and sets the property that indicates whether system fields can be overwritten. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif owner Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmExchangeRateDate
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmParentSourceDocumentLine
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmSourceDocLineTypeEnumName
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmSourceDocLineTypeEnumValue
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmSourceDocumentHeader
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif percentOfParent Returns the percent of the itemized line amount with respect to its parent amount.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif perDiem Calculates the per diem total for the transaction and fills out the amount and currency fields.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif policyStatus Displays the image based on policy violation.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif policyViolationLevelMsg Gives the concatenation of whether there is a error violation, the actual policy violation level and the policy violation messages.It includes the project policy warnings.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif postApprove Creates the committed cost for the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif postCacheLoad Is executed after data is hit from the cache for the select operation on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif postLoad Is executed after a record is read. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif preRemoting Is executed before a cross-tier call is about to be executed for the table that would pack its state to the other tier. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif queryTimedOut Indicates whether the query exceeded the time limit for execution. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif queryTimeout Gets and sets the property that indicates the time limit for the execution of a query. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif readCommittedLock (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif readPast Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip rows that are locked by other processes when a record is read. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif recordLevelSecurity Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to apply security on a record level. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif relatedTable Sets or returns the related buffer of a link of a table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif remainingAmount Returns the remaining amount to be itemized or split for the itemized or split header expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif renamePrimaryKey Renames the foreign keys in other tables according to the change of the corresponding primary key value in this table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif requisitionTable Returns the requisition to which the expense report is mapped.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif reread Rereads the record from the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif RowCount Retrieves the number of rows in the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif selectForUpdate Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to select records for update when they are read. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif selectLocked Indicates whether to select locked records. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif selectRefRecord Selects the record by referenced field ID. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif selectWithRepeatableRead Gets and sets the property that indicates whether repeatable read is enabled. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setConnection Sets the user connection for this table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setCorrectedTaxAmountMST Default tax amount in company currency for the expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setCrossPartition Sets or resets cross-partitioning for the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setDefaultDimension This method sets default dimension for the expense line
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setFieldValue Sets the field value in the record buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setProjectFields
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setSQLTracing Enables or disables SQL tracing mode. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTaxGroup Default tax group for the expense from tax country configuration, project or vendor
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTaxItemGroup
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTimeOut Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTmp Sets the table so that it is not persisted to the database. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTmpData Sets the contents of the temporary table to the specified data. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setXDSContext Sets new XDS context. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipAosValidation Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip validation of Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS). (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipDatabaseLog Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip database log requests. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipDataMethods Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipDeleteActions Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip delete actions on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipDeleteMethod Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipEvents Provides an option to turn off calling the Application.event* methods for the lifetime of an xRecord object. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipPostLoad Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip executing the xRecord.postLoad method on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif skipTTSCheck Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip the check to determine whether the record is selected for update. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif subCategoryCanShowGuests Determines if the guests button is shown for this itemized expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif suppressWarnings Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to suppress warnings for this pointer. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif tableAccessRight Returns the table access right. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif tableBufferAccessRight Returns the table access right for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif takeOwnershipOfTempDBTable (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif throwInfologsForPolicyViolationLevelMsg Writes the policy violation messages to the infolog.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif toolTipField Retrieves the HelpText value for the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif toolTipRecord Retrieves the ToolTip value for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif toString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif totals
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif transactionAmount Displays the amount in transaction currency, alongwith the transaction currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif transactionAmountWithCurrencyCode Gets the amount in transaction currency alongwith the transaction currency code.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif transactionCurrency
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif ttsabort Aborts a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif ttsbegin Starts a transaction that can be either committed by the ttscommit method or aborted by the ttsabort method. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif ttscommit Commits a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif update Updates the current record in the database.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateAmountCurrFromCreditCardAmount Update amountCurr according to CreditCardTransactionCurrencyAmount
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateNetTransactionAmount Updates the actual sales tax amount if needed and the net transaction amount.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateProjLineProperty
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif usageCount Retrieves the current number of references (the value of the reference counter) that the object has. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif useExistingTempDBTable (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateApprove Validates that approval can be performed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateCashAdvance Validate the amount entered by the use is less than zero.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateDateTo Validates the perdiem date fields.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateDelete Determines whether the current record is valid and ready to be deleted from the database.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateField Determines whether the _fieldId field is valid.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateFieldNotChanged Validates that the specified field is not changed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateFieldValue (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateLineProperty Validates the line property field.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateNonChangingItemizedLineFields Validates that payment method, exchange code and exchange code fields on the itemized lines have not been changed.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validatePost Determine if the expense line is valid to post
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateProjActivityNumber Validates the project activity number field.
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateProject Determine whether the project used in expense line is valid
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateProjExpPoliciesExpense Checks the project policies defined for the Expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateResubmit This method validates the expense line before it can be resubmitted.
Gg956570.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateTaxFields
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateTransactionAmount Validate the amount entered by the use is not zero.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateTransactionDate Validates that the transaction date is not greater than the current date.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validateWrite Determines whether the current record is valid and ready to be written to the database.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif validTimeStateUpdateMode Sets a valid time state update mode on the cursor. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif vatRecoveryTaxId
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif wait Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif wasCached Specifies the location from which the data was retrieved. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif write Updates a record if it exists; otherwise, inserts a record. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif xml Retrieves an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from xRecord.)
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::amountCurExpLineWithoutTax returns the amount in transaction currency without corrected tax for that expense line
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::calcTaxAmountRecId Calculates the tax amount for a certain expense.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::checkWorkerCategory This function will check the combination of the worker and category is valid for the expense line when the validation of category/worker parameter is set to mandatory
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::enableWFControl
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::exist
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::find
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findBySourceDocumentLine Finds the expense line given the source document line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findOrCreateEnhancedData Inserts a record in the enhanced data table for this expense transaction line, if it not already present.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::initFromHeaderAndGivenLine Initializes a new TrvExpTrans object from the given line and expense header.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::insertNewRecord Adds a new expense line to the specified expense report.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::insertPersonalLineforSplit Inserts an expense line of type personal
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::insertRemainingAsPersonal Adds a new personal line with the remaining amount on the itemized or split header.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::insertRemainingWithGivenCategory Adds a new child line of given category with the remaining amount on the itemized or split header.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::isChildLineExisting Checks if a child line exists for an expense line
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::itemizedAmount Gives the itemized amount of the specified expense line.
Gg956570.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gifGg956570.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::totalOfChildLinesWithoutTax returns the amount in transaction currency for an expense header line by summing up the amounts without tax for all the child lines



Field Type Configuration key Description
AccountingCurrencyOverBudgetAmount Extended Data Type: AmountMST
Type: Real
None The transaction amount, in the accounting currency
AccountingCurrencyReconciledAmount Extended Data Type: AmountMST
Type: Real
None The transaction amount, in the accounting currency
AdditionalInformation Extended Data Type: ItemFreeTxt
Type: String
LogisticsBasic Additional information about the document.
AddressCity Extended Data Type: LogisticsAddressCityRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
AddressZipCode Extended Data Type: LogisticsAddressZipCodeRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
AmountCurr Extended Data Type: TrvTransactionCurrencyAmount
Type: Real
Trv The amount in the transaction currency
AmountMST Extended Data Type: AmountMST
Type: Real
None The amount of the expense report line item in the company currency.
ApplyAction Enumeration: NoYes
None Select item to apply actions.
ApprovalStatus Enumeration: TrvAppStatus
Trv Status of approval of expense report.
ApprovedDate Extended Data Type: TrvDateStd
Type: Date
Trv The date the expense report was approved.
BillIssuedTo Enumeration: TrvBillIssuedTo
Trv Hotel bill is issued to company or employee
BusinessPurpose Extended Data Type: TrvLinePurposeEDT
Type: String
Trv The business purpose of the expense line.
CashAdvanceRecId Extended Data Type: RefRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
City Extended Data Type: AddressCity
Type: String
LedgerBasic City for ZIP/postal code
CorrectedTaxAmount Extended Data Type: TaxAmountJournal
Type: Real
LedgerBasicSalesTax Adjusted sales tax amount in current currency
CorrectedTaxAmountMST Extended Data Type: TaxAmount
Type: Real
LedgerBasicSalesTax Adjusted sales tax amount in company currency. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3)
CostOwner Extended Data Type: TrvCostownerEDT
Type: Enum
Trv The person responsible for the expense.
CostType Extended Data Type: TrvCostTypeEDT
Type: String
Trv The expense category for the transaction.
CountryRegion Extended Data Type: LogisticsAddressCountryRegionId
Type: String
None Specifies default native country/region in connection with addresses
createdBy Extended Data Type: CreatedBy
Type: String
createdDateTime Extended Data Type: CreatedDateTime
Type: UtcDateTime
createdTransactionId Extended Data Type: CreatedTransactionId
Type: Int64
CreatingWorker Extended Data Type: TrvHcmWorkerRecId
Type: Int64
None The worker that the expense report is for.
CreditCardTransactionCurrency Extended Data Type: TrvCurrencyCode
Type: String
Trv Local currency code (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS))
CreditCardTransactionCurrencyAmount Extended Data Type: TrvTransactionCurrencyAmount
Type: Real
Trv Amount in local currency (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS))
DateFrom Extended Data Type: TrvDateTime
Type: UtcDateTime
Trv Date of expense or from date of per diem.
DateTo Extended Data Type: TrvDateTime
Type: UtcDateTime
Trv Date to for calculation of travel expense.
Deduktion Extended Data Type: RealBase
Type: Real
None Total reduction in per diem for company-paid services.
DeduktionBreakfest Extended Data Type: Integer
Type: Integer
None Reduction of number of breakfasts.
DeduktionDinner Extended Data Type: Integer
Type: Integer
None Reduction of number of dinners.
DeduktionLunch Extended Data Type: Integer
Type: Integer
None Reduction of number of lunches.
DefaultDimension Extended Data Type: DimensionDefault
Type: Int64
LedgerBasic Default dimensions
dEL_CreatedTime Extended Data Type: DEL_CreatedTime
Type: Integer
None (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Extended Data Type: DEL_ModifiedTime
Type: Integer
None (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
Description Extended Data Type: TrvExpTransDescription
Type: String
Trv Description of the expense category.
EntertainmentLocation Extended Data Type: TrvEntertainmentLocation
Type: String
Trv The location of the entertainment expense line.
ExchangeCode Extended Data Type: TrvCurrencyCode
Type: String
Trv Currency code.
ExchangeRate Extended Data Type: ExchRate
Type: Real
None Specify the cost in the foreign currency.
ExpNumber Extended Data Type: TrvExpNumber
Type: String
Trv The expense report number.
ExpType Extended Data Type: TrvExpTypeEDT
Type: Enum
Trv The expense type for the category.
IntercompanyBilled Enumeration: boolean
None (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3)
InterCompanyCategory Extended Data Type: ProjCategoryId
Type: String
ProjBasic The project expense category. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
InterCompanyLE Extended Data Type: TrvLegalEntity
Type: String
None The legal entity for which the expense was incurred (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
IntercompanySalesCurrency Extended Data Type: CurrencyCode
Type: String
ProjBasic Current currency code (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3)
IntercompanySalesPrice Extended Data Type: ProjSalesPriceCost
Type: Real
ProjBasic Sales price per unit calculated in the current sales currency. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3)
IntercompanyTransferCurrency Extended Data Type: CurrencyCode
Type: String
None Current currency code (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3)
IntercompanyTransferPrice Extended Data Type: ProjCostPriceCost
Type: Real
ProjBasic Cost price per unit in local currency. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3)
InvoiceAmt Extended Data Type: AmountCur
Type: Real
ProjBasic Amount to be billed to client
IsBudgetCheckPending Enumeration: NoYes
IsPreAuthorized Enumeration: NoYes
None Indicates whether this expense transaction was pre-authorized.
IsSplit Extended Data Type: TrvIsSplit
Type: Enum
Trv Indicates if the line is split to personal
KMOwnCar Extended Data Type: TrvMileage
Type: Real
Trv Mileage when using own car.
KMPrice Extended Data Type: TrvCostRate
Type: Real
Trv Standard rate per mile
LegalEntity Extended Data Type: LegalEntity
Type: Int64
None Legal entity ID
LineNumber Extended Data Type: TrvLineNumber
Type: Real
Trv Automatic line number.
LineType Enumeration: TrvExpLineType
None Type of expense type based on itemization
Location Extended Data Type: TrvLocation
Type: String
TrvPerDiem Travel location
MappedToRequisitionLine Extended Data Type: RefRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
MerchantId Extended Data Type: TrvExpMerchantId
Type: String
Trv Merchant name
MileageFromAddress Extended Data Type: TrvMileageAddress
Type: String
Trv From address for mileage expense category
MileageToAddress Extended Data Type: TrvMileageAddress
Type: String
Trv To address for mileage expense category
modifiedBy Extended Data Type: ModifiedBy
Type: String
modifiedDateTime Extended Data Type: ModifiedDateTime
Type: UtcDateTime
modifiedTransactionId Extended Data Type: ModifiedTransactionId
Type: Int64
NetTransactionAmount Extended Data Type: AmountCur
Type: Real
None The amount in the transaction currency
NotApprovedDate Extended Data Type: TrvDateStd
Type: Date
Trv The date the expense report was rejected.
NumberOfPassengers Extended Data Type: TrvNumberOfPassengers
Type: Integer
Trv Number of passengers for a transport expense line
OriginalReceiptsRecvd Enumeration: NoYes
None Indicates that the original receipts have been received for this expense line.
OriginalSourceDocumentLine Extended Data Type: RefRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
ParentRecId Extended Data Type: RefRecId
Type: Int64
None RecId of the Expense Itemized Header Line.
Partition Extended Data Type: Partition
Type: Int64
None (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
PayMethod Extended Data Type: TrvPayMethodEDT
Type: String
Trv Payment method of the transaction.
PBS_Statement Extended Data Type: NoYesId
Type: Enum
None Was the line transferred from a credit card statement?
PBSRecId Extended Data Type: RefRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
PostingErrors Extended Data Type: TrvPostingErrors
Type: String
None List of errors during automatic posting of expense report
ProjActivityNumber Extended Data Type: ProjActivityNumber
Type: String
ProjBasic The activity number
ProjId Extended Data Type: ProjId
Type: String
ProjBasic The project to which the line is associated.
ProjPolicyStatus Enumeration: ProjExpPolicyStatus
ProjBasic Project policy status
ProjPolicyText Extended Data Type: SysInfoLogStr
Type: VarString
None Message logged during execution.
ProjStatusId Extended Data Type: ProjLinePropertyId
Type: String
ProjBasicCost Status that the line is attached to.
Reason Extended Data Type: Notes
Type: VarString
None Reason for expense
ReceiptNumber Extended Data Type: TrvReceiptNumber
Type: String
None The receipt number used in the tax recovery.
ReceiptRequired Enumeration: NoYes
ProjBasic Is a receipt required?
ReceiptsAttached Enumeration: NoYes
None Indicates that receipts are linked to the expense line.
RecId Extended Data Type: RecId
Type: Int64
recVersion Extended Data Type: RecVersion
Type: Integer
ReferenceDataAreaId Extended Data Type: DataAreaId
Type: String
None ID for an area of data
ReimburseAmt Extended Data Type: AmountCur
Type: Real
ProjBasic Amount to be reimbursed to employee
SourceDocumentLine Extended Data Type: RefRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
SubCategoryRecId Extended Data Type: TrvExpSubCategoryEDT
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
TaxGroup Extended Data Type: TaxGroup
Type: String
LedgerBasicSalesTax A group of sales tax codes for calculating taxes on a sale or purchase
TaxIncluded Enumeration: NoYes
None Sales tax included in amount
TaxItemGroup Extended Data Type: TaxItemGroup
Type: String
LedgerBasicSalesTax Group of sales tax codes that can be calculated for an item.
TemporaryCredit Enumeration: TrvDisputeIsTempCredit
TrvElectronicPayment Temporary credit recid
TicketClass Extended Data Type: Description
Type: String
None Class of ticket
TicketNumber Extended Data Type: Description
Type: String
None Number on ticket
TicketUsed Enumeration: NoYes
None Was ticket used?
TransactionText Extended Data Type: TransTxt
Type: String
ProjBasic Internal note for description of the expense line.
TransDate Extended Data Type: TrvDateStd
Type: Date
Trv The date on which the expense was incurred.
TransRowNum Extended Data Type: Integer
Type: Integer
None Record ID of the credit card transaction.
TrvExpTable Extended Data Type: RefRecId
Type: Int64
None Reference field in a different table
VehicleType Extended Data Type: TrvVehicleType
Type: String
Trv Vehicle type for mileage expense category
Voucher Extended Data Type: Voucher
Type: String
LedgerBasic Voucher number in ledger.
ZipCode Extended Data Type: AddressZipCodeId
Type: String
LedgerBasic Identify ZIP/postal code district


Field Groups

Field Group Fields



Relation Table Lines
AddressCity LogisticsAddresssCity
AddressZipCode_FK LogisticsAddressZipCode
CashAdvance TrvCashAdvance
CCImported TrvPBSMaindata
CompanyInfo CompanyInfo
CostType TrvCostType
CreditCardTransactionCurrency Currency
Currency Currency
DefaultDimension DimensionAttributeValueSet
IntercompanySalesCurrency Currency
IntercompanyTransferCurrency Currency
ItemizedLine TrvExpTrans
LegalEntity CompanyInfo
Location TrvLocations
LogisticsAddressCountryRegion LogisticsAddressCountryRegion
OriginalSourceDocumentLine SourceDocumentLine
Partition Partitions
PayMethod TrvPayMethod
PayValidate TrvValidatePayment
ProjActivityNumber smmActivities
ProjCategory_InterCompanyCategory ProjCategory
ProjId ProjTable
ProjLineProperty ProjLineProperty
ProjStatusId ProjLineProperty
ProjTable_ProjId ProjTable
smmActivities smmActivities
SourceDocumentLine SourceDocumentLine
SubCategory TrvExpSubCategory
TaxGroup TaxGroupHeading
TaxGroupHeading TaxGroupHeading
TaxItemGroup TaxItemGroupHeading
TaxItemGroupHeading TaxItemGroupHeading
TrvCostTypeRates TrvCostTypeRates
TrvExpMerchant TrvExpMerchant
TrvExpTableRecID TrvExpTable
TrvHcmWorker HcmWorker
TrvLinePurpose TrvLinePurpose
TrvLocations TrvLocations
TrvPayMethod TrvPayMethod
TrvRequisitionLine TrvRequisitionLine
WebAdvanceCosttype TrvCostType



Index AllowDuplicates Enabled Fields
CurrencyIdx Yes Yes
FK_LogisticsAddressCountryRegion_TrvExpT Yes Yes
FK_LogisticsAddressZipCode_TrvExpTrans Yes Yes
OwnerTypeDateIdx Yes Yes
ParentRecIdIdx Yes Yes
RecId No Yes
SourceDocumentLineIdx No Yes
TotalsCalcIdx Yes Yes
TrvCreatingWorkerIdx Yes Yes
TrvExpEmplYearSatsIdx Yes Yes
TrvExpLineIdx Yes Yes
TrvExpNoIdx Yes Yes
TrvExpTableIdx Yes Yes
TrvRequisitionLineIdx Yes Yes


Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class
  Common Table
    TrvExpTrans Table

See Also

Table Methods

Tables Overview