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LedgerJournalType Enumeration

Help Text: Journal type that determines what the journal is used for.
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
Daily 0 Daily
Periodic 1 Periodic
PurchaseLedger 2 Invoice register
Approval 3 Approval
Payment 4 Vendor disbursement
CustPayment 7 Customer payment
Cost 8 Project - expenses
VendInvoiceRegister 10 Vendor invoice recording
VendInvoicePool 11 Vendor invoice pool
VendInvoicePoolNotPosted 12 Vendor invoice pool excl. posting
Assets 13 Post fixed assets
AssetBudgets 14 Fixed asset budget
CustPaymRemittance 15 Customer bank remittance
CustBillOfExchangeDraw 16 Customer draw bill of exchange
CustBillOfExchangeProtest 17 Customer protest bill of exchange
CustBillOfExchangeRedraw 18 Customer redraw bill of exchange
VendPromissoryNoteDraw 19 Vendor draw promissory note
CustBillOfExchangeAccept 20 Customer accept bill of exchange
VendPromissoryNoteRedraw 21 Vendor redraw promissory note
VendPaymRemittance 22 Vendor bank remittance
CustBillOfExchangeSettle 23 Customer settle bill of exchange
VendPromissoryNoteSettle 24 Vendor settle promissory note
RDeferrals 44 Deferrals
RCash 45 Cash
Assets_RU 47 Fixed assets transaction
AssetBudgets_RU 48 Transactions of FA budgets
RTax25 49 Tax differences
RTax25AmountDifference 52 Amount difference
RTax25ExchDifference 54 Exch. adjustment
RAssetAssessedTax 50 Assessed tax
RAssetTransportTax 51 Transport tax
RAssetLandTax 53 Land tax
StatTrans 117 Statistic transactions
Allocation 6 Allocation
Elimination 25 Elimination
BankChequeReversal 118 Bank check reversal
BankDepositPaymCancel 119 Bank deposit slip cancellation
Budget 26 Budget
Payroll 120 Payroll
PayrollDisbursement 130 Payroll disbursement
RTax25TaxRemainGoods 201 Tax cost price
Payroll_RU 46 Salary transactions
FBTaxAssessmentAdjustments_BR 202 General tax adjust/benefit/incentive

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++