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BudgetControlErrorWarning Enumeration

Help Text: An indicator of budgetary control substatus
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
LegalEntityInvalid 1 Legal entity invalid
BudgetCycleInvalid 3 Budget cycle invalid
UserIdInvalid 4 User ID invalid
DateInvalid 5 Date invalid
BudgetModelInvalid 6 Budget model invalid
BudgetSourceInvalid 7 Budget source invalid
BudgetThresholdExceeded 9 Budget threshold exceeded
BudgetFundsAvailableExceeded 10 Budget funds available exceeded
RelievingBudgetSourceInvalid 11 Relieved budget source does not exist
RelievingBudgetCategoryInvalid 13 Invalid category for the relieving budget source
BudgetFundsAvailableExceededAllowed 14 Budget funds available exceeded, but the user can exceed the budget funds available
BudgetFundsAvailableExceededApproved 15 Budget funds available exceeded, but approved by authorized user
BudgetThresholdExceededApproved 16 Budget threshold exceeded, but approved by authorized user
BudgetThresholdExceededAllowed 17 Budget threshold exceeded, but the user can exceed budget threshold
CurrencyInvalid 18 Currency invalid
BudgetFundsOverAvailUnderThreshAllowed 19 Budget funds are not available; however, the specified budget threshold is more than 100%, so you still can process transactions unless they exceed the budget threshold
BudgetFundsRuleOverGroupUnderAvailable 20 Budget funds are not available for the dimensions defined by the budget control rules. However, budget funds are available for the budget group, so you can process transactions
ApportionmentBudgetExceeds 21 Apportionment

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++