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View Properties

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The properties for Views are the same as those found in tables, but because views are read-only, most properties on views cannot be changed. Some have fixed values, and some are inherited from the data sources used in the query which defines the view.

The following properties for Views, which can be set, relate to data analysis when you are using Microsoft SQL Reporting Services.

  • AnalysisVisibility

  • AnalysisSelection

  • TypicalRowCount

  • IsLookup

  • SingularLabel

For more information about these properties, see Table Properties.

The properties that can be set for a View are listed below. For a description of the Best Practices for setting the properties, see Best Practice for View properties. For a description of the read-only properties, see Table Properties.



New in this version of
 Microsoft Dynamics AX


Enables you to specify which data access operations must undergo user permission checking.

AX 2012


Retrieves the record cache level for the table.

AX 2012


The cluster index of the table, if there is any.

AX 2012


Sets the configuration key for the view.


Specifies the country region codes where the menu is applicable or valid. The client uses this property to enable or disable country or region specific features. This is implemented as a comma-separated list of ISO country codes in a single string. The values must match data that is contained in the global address book.

AX 2012


Specifies the field that will be used to identify the country context. See CountryRegionCodes.

AX 2012


Describes the purpose of a view and explains how it is used in the application. A description is typically no more than five sentences long and is written as a single paragraph.


Classifies a view according to common entity relationship (ER) data model notation. A view is classified as an entity or a relationship. An entity represents an object. A relationship represents an association between two objects.


Specifies the default form for the view. The default form is the one that should be displayed when the user activates Jump to Main Table by using the shortcut menu for a field on a form.

The form is referenced through a menu item of type Display.

If you leave this field blank, MorphX tries to activate a form that has the same name as the table you are referring to.


The internal identifier of the object.

AX 2012


Specifies a user-friendly name for the view.


Specifies a display menu item that points to a form that can show a list of this record type.

AX 2012


Specifies which model the view is in.

A model is a logical grouping of elements in a layer. An element can exist in exactly one model in a layer. The same element can exist in a customized version in a model in a higher layer.

AX 2012


Specifies the name of the view. The name is used when you refer to it from the X++ language.


Specifies the Info Part or Form Part to be used in the enhanced preview.

An info part shows a collection of data fields from a specified query. An info part uses metadata to describe how the data appears. A form part represents a pointer to a form.

AX 2012


Specifies the primary index of the view. Only a unique index can be selected. The property is used for database optimization and to indicate which unique index to use as the caching key. If a primary index is not specified, the unique index with the lowest ID is used as the caching key.

AX 2012


Specifies the query that is the source of data for the view.

This is an alternative to adding data sources directly into the view.

For more information, see How to: Create a View Based on a Query.

AX 2012


Retrieves the name of the default report for the table.

AX 2012


Set to Yes for company-specific tables. Set to No if the data is related to cross-companies, installation, a database, the AOT, tracing, or OLAP. For example, SysTraceTable or OLAPServerTable. specifies whether data should be saved for that table on a per company basis or exist as data available without any company affiliation. If the SaveDataPerCompany property on a table is set to Yes, that table has a DataAreaId column that contains the company identifier. If this table property is set to No, the DataAreaId column is removed from the table.

AX 2012


Shows whether the view includes a system field named Partition. This is meant to be a read-only system field.

If the table has a Partition field, each record is assigned to one partition. Each record is kept hidden from data access operations that are run under the context of other partitions.

AX 2012 R2


Retrieves the name of the menu item that links to information on a Web site about a table record listed in the Enterprise Portal search results.

AX 2012


Retrieves the type of the menu item that links to information on a Web site about a table record listed in the Enterprise Portal search results.

AX 2012


Indicates if a table is a System table. System tables can be filtered during export and import and are always synchronized when you log on. This may be useful for tables that you use as soon as you log on.

AX 2012


Specifies how setup/parameter data can be reused from one customer to another. The following values are possible:



Not specified

For most tables.

Default Data

Use for customer-independent data such as ZIP/Postal Codes, units, and time intervals.

Base Data

Use for customer-dependent data such as calendars, groups, and parameters.

Default+Base data

Use for data where the local perception varies. For example, Chart of Accounts is not customer-dependent in Germany, but is most other places in the world.

AX 2012


Determines which group the view belongs to.

Table Groups categorize tables and views, according to the type of data they hold. Views can belong to the same table groups as a table.

TitleField1, TitleField2

Determine the information shown in the window caption for the view. The caption is constructed from:

  • the TitleField1 label followed by colon (:), and a space

  • the value of the current record in the column used for TitleField1 followed by a comma (,)

  • the value of the current record in the column used for TitleField2.

AX 2012


Specifies whether the view supports the valid time state feature of the underlying table. The default value is No. This property can be set to Yes only if both of the following are true:

  • The underlying table is a valid time state table.

  • The view has ValidFrom and ValidTo in its Fields list.

AX 2012


Specifies the access rights when the table is used as a data source in a form or a report. If the table is used as a data source in a form, then the access rights in the form cannot exceed the access rights defined for the table.

AX 2012

See also

How to: Create a View Based on a Query