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System.Data.Services.Client Namespace

Represents the .NET Framework client library that applications can use to interact with WCF Data Services.


  Class Description
Public class ActionDescriptor Holds information about a ServiceAction.
Public class BodyOperationParameter Represents a parameter associated with a service action.
Public class ChangeOperationResponse Results returned after a call to SaveChanges when enumerating operation responses returned by the DataServiceResponse class.
Public class DataServiceClientException Represents errors that occur during execution of WCF Data Services client applications.
Public class DataServiceCollection<T> Represents a dynamic entity collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the list is refreshed.
Public class DataServiceContext The DataServiceContext represents the runtime context of the data service.
Public class DataServiceQuery An abstract class that represents a single query request to WCF Data Services. 
Public class DataServiceQuery<TElement> Represents a single query request to a data service.
Public class DataServiceQueryContinuation Encapsulates a URI that returns the next page of a paged WCF Data Services query result.
Public class DataServiceQueryContinuation<T> Encapsulates a URI that returns the next page of a paged WCF Data Services query result. 
Public class DataServiceQueryException Exception that indicates an error occurred loading the property value from the data service.
Public class DataServiceRequest Represents request objects submitted as a batch to WCF Data Services.
Public class DataServiceRequest<TElement> Represents request objects submitted as a batch to the data service.
Public class DataServiceRequestArgs Represents additional metadata that is included in a request message to WCF Data Services.
Public class DataServiceRequestException Represents the error thrown if the data service returns a response code less than 200 or greater than 299, or the top-level element in the response is <error>. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class DataServiceResponse Represents the response to operations sent to the data service as a result of calling SaveChanges.
Public class DataServiceStreamLink Represents the URL of a binary resource stream.
Public class DataServiceStreamResponse Represents a response from WCF Data Services that contains binary data as a stream.
Public class Descriptor Abstract class from which EntityDescriptor is derived.
Public class EntityChangedParams Encapsulates the arguments of a PropertyChanged delegate
Public class EntityCollectionChangedParams Encapsulates the arguments of a CollectionChanged delegate.
Public class EntityDescriptor Description of modifications done to entities by operations returned in a DataServiceResponse.
Public class FunctionDescriptor Holds information about a ServiceFunction.
Public class HttpWebRequestMessage IODataRequestMessage interface implementation.
Public class InvokeResponse Response from an Invoke call.
Public class LinkDescriptor Provides a description of modifications done to entities by operations returned in a DataServiceResponse.
Public class LinkInfo Encapsulates information about a link, or relationship, between entities.
Public class LoadCompletedEventArgs Used as the EventArgs class for the LoadCompleted event.Supported only by the WCF Data Services 5.0 client for Silverlight.
Public class MediaEntryAttribute Signifies that the specified class is to be treated as a media link entry.
Public class MimeTypePropertyAttribute Annotates a property on a class that has been annotated with the MediaEntryAttribute.
Public class OperationDescriptor Holds information about a service operation.
Public class OperationParameter Represents a parameter passed to a service action, service function or a service operation when it is Executed.
Public class OperationResponse Abstract class that represents the response of a single query or create, update, or delete operation.
Public class QueryOperationResponse Represents the responses to a DataServiceQuery.
Public class QueryOperationResponse<T> Represents the responses to a DataServiceQuery<TElement>.
Public class ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs Gives access to the entity and an object that represents an Atom entry. ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs is used with the ReadingEntity and WritingEntity events.
Public class SendingRequest2EventArgs Event args for the SendingRequest2 event.
Public class SendingRequestEventArgs Used with the SendingRequest event to provide access to the HttpWebRequest instance that the client is about to send to the target data service.
Public class StreamDescriptor Contains information about a named binary resource stream.
Public class UriOperationParameter Represents a parameter associated with a service operation or a service function.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DataServiceResponsePreference Determines whether the client requests that the data service return inserted or updated entity data as an entry in the response message.
Public enumeration EntityStates Represents the enumeration that identifies the state of an entity being tracked by the DataServiceContext.
Public enumeration HttpStack Represents the type of HTTP implementation to use when accessing the data service.Supported only by the WCF Data Services 5.0 client for Silverlight.
Public enumeration MergeOption Determines the synchronization option for sending or receiving entities to or from WCF Data Services. 
Public enumeration SaveChangesOptions Indicates change options when SaveChanges is called.
Public enumeration TrackingMode Determines whether changes that are made to a DataServiceCollection<T> are tracked.