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Como: Testar estruturas Point4D para igualdade e desigualdade

This example shows how to test Point4D structures for equality and inequality.

The following code illustrates how to test Point4D structures for equality and inequality using the Point4D equality methods. O Point4D estruturas são testadas usando a igualdade sobrecarregada de igualdade (==) operador, em seguida, para a desigualdade usando a inequação sobrecarregada (!=) operador e, finalmente, um Point3D estrutura e um Point4D estrutura são verificadas usando estática de igualdade Equals método.


// instantiate Points
Point4D point4D1 = new Point4D();
Point4D point4D2 = new Point4D(15, 40, 60, 75);
Point3D point3D1 = new Point3D(15, 40, 60);

// result variables
Boolean areEqual;
Boolean areNotEqual;
String stringResult;

// defining x,y,z,w of point1
point4D1.X = 10;
point4D1.Y = 5;
point4D1.Z = 1;
point4D1.W = 4;

// checking if Points are equal
areEqual = point4D1 == point4D2;

// areEqual is False

// checking if Points are not equal
areNotEqual = point4D1 != point4D2;
// areNotEqual is True

if (Point4D.Equals(point4D1, point3D1))
    // the if condition is not true, so this block will not execute
    stringResult = "Both objects are Point4D structures and they are equal";

    // the if condition is false, so this branch will execute
    stringResult = "Parameters are not both Point4D strucutres, or they are but are not equal";

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