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Como: Posicionar o Cursor no Começo ou Final de um Texto em um Controle de TextBox

This example shows how to position the cursor at the beginning or end of the text contents of a TextBox control.


The following Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) code describes a TextBox control and assigns it a Name.

  Here is some text in my text box...

To position the cursor at the beginning of the contents of a TextBox control, call the Select method and specify the selection start position of 0, and a selection length of 0.

tbPositionCursor.Select(0, 0)
tbPositionCursor.Select(0, 0);

To position the cursor at the end of the contents of a TextBox control, call the Select method and specify the selection start position equal to the length of the text content, and a selection length of 0.

tbPositionCursor.Select(tbPositionCursor.Text.Length, 0)
tbPositionCursor.Select(tbPositionCursor.Text.Length, 0);

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