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Como: Use System Fonts Keys

Recursos de sistema exponham várias métricas do sistema, como recursos para ajudar os desenvolvedores a criar elementos visuais que são consistentes com as configurações do sistema. SystemFontsé uma classe que contém valores de fonte de sistema e de recursos de fonte do sistema ligar aos valores — por exemplo, CaptionFontFamily e CaptionFontFamilyKey.

System font metrics can be used as either static or dynamic resources. Use a dynamic resource if you want the font metric to update automatically while the application runs; otherwise use a static resource.


Dynamic resources have the keyword Key appended to the property name.

The following example shows how to access and use system font dynamic resources to style or customize a button. This XAML example creates a button style that assigns SystemFonts values to a button.


<Style x:Key="SimpleFont" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
    <Setter Property = "FontSize" Value= "{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemFonts.IconFontSizeKey}}"/>
    <Setter Property = "FontWeight" Value= "{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemFonts.MessageFontWeightKey}}"/>
    <Setter Property = "FontFamily" Value= "{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemFonts.CaptionFontFamilyKey}}"/>

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