WS Binding
This section contains samples that demonstrate Windows Service binding in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
In This Section
- WS Transaction Flow
Demonstrates the use of a client-coordinated transaction and the client and server options for transaction flow using either the WS-Atomic Transaction or OleTransactions protocol.
- WS 2007 Federation HTTP Binding
Demonstrates the use of WS2007FederationHttpBinding.
- WS Dual Http
Demonstrates how to configure the WSDualHttpBinding binding.
- MTOM Encoding
Demonstrates the use of the Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) message encoding with a WSHttpBinding.
- WSHttpBinding
Demonstrates how to implement a typical service and a typical client using WCF.
- WS Reliable Session
Demonstrates the use of reliable sessions.
- WS Transport Security
Demonstrates the use of SSL transport security with the WSHttpBinding binding.
- Message Security Binding
Demonstrates using message security in WCF.
- WS Transport With Message Credential
This sample demonstrates the use of SSL transport security in combination with the client credential being carried in the message.
Build Date: 2011-06-25