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SoapEnvelope Members

Represents the content of a SOAP message.

The following tables list the members exposed by the SoapEnvelope type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
SoapEnvelope Overloaded.  


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property Attributes  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property BaseURI  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property Body Gets the body element associated with the SOAP envelope.
public property ChildNodes  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property Context Gets or sets message-specific data for the SOAP envelope.
public property CurrentSoap  
public property DocumentElement  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property DocumentType  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property Encoding  Gets or sets the encoding that is used in the XOP package.(Inherited from XopDocument)
public property Envelope Gets the entire SOAP envelope.
public property Fault Gets the SOAP fault from the SOAP envelope.
public property FirstChild  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property HasChildNodes  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property Header Gets the header element associated with the SOAP envelope.
public property Implementation  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property InnerText  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property InnerXml  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property IsReadOnly  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property Item  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property LastChild  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property LocalName  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property Name  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property NamespaceURI  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property NameTable  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property NextSibling  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property NodeType  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property OuterXml  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property OwnerDocument  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property ParentNode  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property Prefix  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property PreserveWhitespace  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property PreviousSibling  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property Processed Gets a value indicating whether the SOAP envelope has been processed.
public property SchemaInfo  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property Schemas  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public property SoapVersion  
public property Value  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public property XmlResolver  (Inherited from XmlDocument )


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method AppendChild  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method Clone  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method CloneNode  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CompleteLoadFromXopPackage  Overloaded. Completes deferred read operations when an XOP package is loaded from a stream.(Inherited from XopDocument)
public method CreateAttribute  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateBinaryNode  Overloaded. (Inherited from XopDocument )
public method CreateBody Creates a new body element for the SOAP envelope if one does not exist.
public method CreateCDataSection  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateComment  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateDocumentFragment  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateDocumentType  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateElement  Overloaded. (Inherited from XopDocument )
public method CreateEntityReference  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateHeader Creates a new header element for the SOAP envelope if one does not exist.
public method CreateNavigator  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateNode  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateProcessingInstruction  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateSignificantWhitespace  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateTextNode  (Inherited from XopDocument )
public method CreateWhitespace  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method CreateXmlDeclaration  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method Equals  Overloaded. (Inherited from Object )
public method GetBodyObject Overloaded. Returns an object that represents the <Body> element of the SOAP envelope.
public method GetBodyReader  
public method GetBodyWriter  
public method GetDocumentReader  Gets the XML reader for this document.(Inherited from XopDocument)
public method GetDocumentWriter  Gets the XML writer for this document.(Inherited from XopDocument)
public method GetElementById  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method GetElementsByTagName  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method GetEnumerator  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object )
public method GetHeaderReader  
public method GetHeaderWriter  
public method GetNamespaceOfPrefix  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method GetPrefixOfNamespace  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object )
public method ImportNode  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method InsertAfter  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method InsertBefore  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method Load Overloaded. Overridden. Loads the SOAP envelope with data.
public method LoadFromXopPackage  (Inherited from XopDocument )
public method LoadXml  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method Normalize  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method PostLoad Checks the format of the SOAP envelope after loading.
public method PrependChild  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method ReadNode  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method static ReferenceEquals  (Inherited from Object )
public method RemoveAll  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method RemoveChild  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method RemoveHeader Removes the SOAP header from the SOAP envelope.
public method ReplaceChild  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method Save Overloaded. Overridden. Saves the SOAP envelope.
public method SaveToXopPackage  (Inherited from XopDocument )
public method SelectNodes  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method SelectSingleNode  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method SetBodyObject Overloaded. Sets the Body property of the SOAP envelope.
public method Supports  (Inherited from XmlNode )
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object )
public method Validate  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method WriteContentTo  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public method WriteTo  (Inherited from XmlDocument )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method CreateDefaultAttribute  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
protected method CreateNavigator  Overloaded. (Inherited from XmlDocument )
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object )
protected method GetReaderForNode  (Inherited from XopDocument )
protected method GetWriterForNode  (Inherited from XopDocument )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object )


Public Events

  Name Description
public event NodeChanged  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public event NodeChanging  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public event NodeInserted  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public event NodeInserting  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public event NodeRemoved  (Inherited from XmlDocument )
public event NodeRemoving  (Inherited from XmlDocument )


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator  (Inherited from XmlNode )
System.ICloneable.Clone  (Inherited from XmlNode )


See Also


SoapEnvelope Class
Microsoft.Web.Services3 Namespace