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DerivedKeyToken Members

Represents a security token whose key is cryptographically derived from the key of another security token.

The following tables list the members exposed by the DerivedKeyToken type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
DerivedKeyToken Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the DerivedKeyToken class.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property AttachedReference  Gets or sets the KeyInfo that can be used to refer to this security token when the token is included in the message.(Inherited from SecurityToken)
public property Generation Gets or sets the position at which the derived key is located in the byte stream for a serialized DerivedKeyToken.
public property GenerationLimit Gets Generation limit associated with the derived key token.
public property Id  Gets or sets a unique identifier of the token. (Inherited from SecurityToken)
public property Identity  Gets the identity associated with this security token.(Inherited from SecurityToken)
public property IsCurrent Overridden. Gets a value indicating whether the security token is currently valid.
public property IsExpired  Gets a value indicating whether the current time is later than the security token's expiration time. (Inherited from SecurityToken)
public property Key Overridden. Gets the key for the DerivedKeyToken security token.
public property KeyBytes Gets the key for the derived key token.
public property KeyDerivationAlgorithm Gets the algorithm used to derive the key for this security token from the key of the parent security token.
public property KeyIdentifier  A reference that uniquely identifies the SecurityToken instance. (Inherited from SecurityToken)
public property Label Gets or sets the label parameter for the key derivation algorithm.
public property Length Gets or sets the size of the key associated with the security token.
public property Nonce Gets the nonce for the security token.
public property Offset Gets or sets the position at which the derived key is located in the byte stream for a serialized DerivedKeyToken.
public property OffsetLimit Gets Offset limit associated with the derived key token.
public property Parent Gets the security token from which the DerivedKeyToken was derived.
public property ParentReference Gets the reference to the parent security token.
public property Principal Overridden. Gets or sets the principal associated with the derived key token.
public property Properties Gets the default values for a DerivedKeyToken created using a DerivedKeyToken.
public property RequiresRenewal  Gets a value indicating whether the security token requires renewal. (Inherited from SecurityToken)
public property Root Gets root security token of the derivation train from which the DerivedKeyToken was derived.
public property SupportsDataEncryption Overridden. Gets a value indicating whether the security token can be used to encrypt SOAP messages.
public property SupportsDigitalSignature Overridden. Gets a value indicating whether the security token can be used to digitally sign SOAP messages.
public property TokenType  Gets the type of the security token. (Inherited from SecurityToken)
public property UnattachedReference  Gets or sets the KeyInfo that can be used to refer to this security token when the token is not included in the message.(Inherited from SecurityToken)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method Clone Creates a new IMutableSecurityToken with the same values as the current one.
public method Equals Overloaded.  
public method GetHashCode Overridden. Returns the hash code for the DerivedKeyToken.
public method GetSignedTokenXml  (Inherited from SecurityToken )
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object )
public method GetXml Overridden. Generates an XML representation of the DerivedKeyToken from the specified XML document.
public method LoadXml Overridden. Loads the contents of the specified XML element into properties of the DerivedKeyToken.
public method Mutate Regenerate the properties of the security token that change for each instance of the security token.
public method static ReferenceEquals  (Inherited from Object )
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object )
public method VerifySignedTokenXml  (Inherited from SecurityToken )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object )


See Also


DerivedKeyToken Class
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens Namespace