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SignedXmlSignature Members

Contains an XML representation of a digital signature.

The following tables list the members exposed by the SignedXmlSignature type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
SignedXmlSignature Initializes a new instance of SignedXmlSignature.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property Container Gets or sets the Security SOAP header that contains this element.
public property Id Gets or sets a string that contains a unique identifier for this signature.
public property KeyInfo Gets or sets a KeyInfo that enables the recipient(s) to obtain the key needed to validate the signature.
public property ObjectList Gets or sets a list containing optional data for a signature.
public property SignatureValue Gets or sets a byte array containing the actual value of the digital signature.
public property SignedInfo Gets or sets a SignedInfo instance.
public property SigningToken Gets or sets the security token that is used to sign the SOAP message.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method AddObject Adds a new data object to the ObjectList.
public method Equals  Overloaded. (Inherited from Object )
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object )
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object )
public method GetXml Generates an XML representation of the SignedXmlSignature .
public method LoadXml Parses an XML string containing a SignedXmlSignature.
public method static ReferenceEquals  (Inherited from Object )
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object )


See Also


SignedXmlSignature Class
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security Namespace