Microsoft.Web.Services3.Messaging.Configuration Namespace
The set of classes that handle the configuration file settings associated with sending and receiving SOAP messages.
Class | Description |
AllowRedirectedResponseConfigElement | Represents the <allowRedirectedResponses> element that specifies whether responses can be redirected to a FaultTo or ReplyTo header. |
DefaultPortConfigElement | Represents the <defaultPort> Element that specifies a value indicating the default port for a connection. |
ExecutionTimeoutConfigElement | Represents the <executionTimeoutInSeconds> Element that specifies the maximum amount of time that it takes to process a SOAP message using the TCP protocol. |
IdleTimeoutConfigElement | Represents the <idleTimeoutInMilliSeconds> Element that specifies the time before an idle connection will be closed when receiving SOAP messages using the TCP protocol. |
MaxMessageLengthConfigElement | Represents the <maxMessageLength> Element that specifies the maximum size for incoming SOAP messages. |
MessagingConfiguration | Used to store configuration information related to SOAP transport schemes. |
MessagingConfiguration.Schemes | Represents the transport schemes that are supported by WSE. |
MessagingTransportConfiguration | Represents the <transports> Element that controls the SOAP transport settings for the Microsoft Web Services Enhancements. |
MessagingTransportsCollection | Represents a collection of MessagingTransportConfiguration objects |
MtomConfigElement | Specifies whether a SOAP messages are encoded using the SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM). |
TimeoutConfigElement | Represents the <timeout> configuration element. |
TransportConnectionLimit | Represents the <connectionLimit> Element that specifies the maximum number of connections made to and from an application that sends and/or receives SOAP messages using the TCP protocol. |
TransportHosts | Represents the <host> element that specifies which clients are allowed or denied access to a Web service. |
Enumeration | Description |
MtomReceiveMode | Specifies whether the Web service supports the MTOM specification. |
MtomSendMode | Specifies the default for whether Web services clients send SOAP messages that are MTOM encoded. |