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Interface IBraceCompletionSession

Represents a brace completion session for the purpose of tracking a pair of braces and handling actions occurring between the OpeningPoint and ClosingPoint.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.BraceCompletion
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI (em Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI.dll)


Public Interface IBraceCompletionSession
public interface IBraceCompletionSession
public interface class IBraceCompletionSession
type IBraceCompletionSession =  interface end
public interface IBraceCompletionSession

O tipo IBraceCompletionSession expõe os membros a seguir.


  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública ClosingBrace Gets the closing brace character.
Propriedade pública ClosingPoint Gets the ending point of the session.
Propriedade pública OpeningBrace Gets the opening brace character.
Propriedade pública OpeningPoint Gets the starting point of the session.
Propriedade pública SubjectBuffer Gets the subject buffer in which the brace completion session is occurring.
Propriedade pública TextView Gets the text view in which the brace completion session is occurring.



  Nome Descrição
Método público Finish Called after the session has been removed from the stack.
Método público PostBackspace Called by the editor after the character has been removed.
Método público PostDelete Called by the editor after the delete action.
Método público PostOverType Called by the editor after the closing brace character has been typed.
Método público PostReturn Called by the editor after the newline has been inserted.
Método público PostTab Called by the editor after the tab has been inserted.
Método público PreBackspace Called by the editor before the character has been removed.
Método público PreDelete Called by the editor when delete is pressed within the session.
Método público PreOverType Called by the editor when the closing brace character has been typed and before it is inserted into the buffer.
Método público PreReturn Called by the editor when return is pressed within the session.
Método público PreTab Called by the editor when tab has been pressed and before it is inserted into the buffer.
Método público Start Called before the session is added to the stack.


Consulte também


Namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.BraceCompletion