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Quick Unpack Dialog Box

Use the Quick Unpack dialog box to specify the site name and Web server where you want to unpack the files.


To unpack a package onto more than one computer, or to unpack the PuP package onto a virtual directory other than the default, you must use the Custom unpack option in Site Packager.

Use this

To do this

Site name

Type the name that you want to give to your site.

The names of your virtual directories for the applications in your site will be the same as the application names used when you packaged the site.

IIS Web site

Select the name of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site that will host your site. This must be an existing Web site. You can use the IIS snap-in to create a new IIS Web site.

Dd451298.alert_caution(en-US,CS.90).gifImportant Note:
All commerce applications will be unpacked into virtual directories within the selected IIS Web site. If the virtual directories already exist, an error will occur. To overwrite the virtual directories with the applications being unpacked, select the Custom unpack option on the Unpack dialog box.

SQL Server Computer

Type the name of the computer that is running SQL Server that will host your site databases. One database for each resource in the site will be created on the SQL Server specified. The database will be named <sitename>_<resourcename>, for example, StarterSite_marketing.

If the database already exists, unpacking may cause data in the database to be overwritten.

Use Windows Integrated security

Select this option if you want to use integrated Windows authentication. We recommend this configuration.

When you use Windows integrated security, user names and passwords are not stored in the SQL Server connection string, and are not affected by SQL password resets.

Use a specific user name and password

Select this option if you want to use SQL Server authentication when connecting to the databases. We do not recommend this configuration.

SQL Server Login Name

Type the user name of the person with logon rights to the server that is running SQL Server. Use a logon name that is a member of one of the following SQL Server roles: sysadmin or dbcreator. To avoid OLAP errors, do not use the following special characters:

/, ?, &, \, <, >, :, |, #, @, %, and '

SQL Server Login Password

Type the password of the person with logon rights to the server that is running SQL Server. To avoid OLAP errors, do not use the following special characters:

/, ?, &, \, <, >, :, |, #, @, %, and '

See Also

Other Resources

How to Unpack a Site

How to Package a Site

Best Practices for Using Site Packager

How to Add a Site

How to Unpack a Site on the Business Management Server

How to Unpack a Site on the Web Servers