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CatalogsDataSet.Catalog Members

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Allows access to the CatalogsDataSet..::.CatalogsDataTable table.

The CatalogsDataSet..::.Catalog type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif AcceptChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif BeginEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CancelEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif ClearErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Delete (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif EndEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Aa147906.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetChildRows Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetColumnError Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetColumnsInError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetParentRow Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetParentRows Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif HasVersion (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsCatalogFlagsNull Checks to see if the CatalogFlagsColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsCatalogStatusNull Checks to see if the CatalogFlagsColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsCurrencyNull Checks to see if the CurrencyColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsCustomCatalogNull Checks to see if the CustomCatalog column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsDefaultLanguageNull Checks to see if the DefaultLanguageColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsDisplayNameNull Checks to see if the DisplayNameColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsEndDateNull Checks to see if the EndDateColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsFreeTextIndexCreatedNull Checks to see if the FreeTextIndexCreatedColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsFullTextCatalogNameNull Checks to see if the FullTextCatalogNameColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsIsVirtualCatalogNull Checks to see if the IsVirtualCatalogColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsIsVirtualCatalogViewNull Checks to see if the IsVirtualCatalogViewColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsLocaleNull Checks to see if the LocaleColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsNull Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsProductIdNull Checks to see if the ProductIdColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsProductTableUpdatedNull Checks to see if the ProductTableUpdatedColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsReportingLanguageNull Checks to see if the ReportingLanguageColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsStartDateNull Checks to see if the StartDateColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsTimestampNull Checks to see if the TimeStampColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsVariantIdNull Checks to see if the VariantIdColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IsWeightMeasureNull Checks to see if the WeightMeasureColumn column is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Aa147906.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RejectChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetAdded (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetCatalogFlagsNull Sets the CatalogFlagsColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetCatalogStatusNull Sets the CatalogStatusColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetColumnError Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetCurrencyNull Sets the CurrencyColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetCustomCatalogNull Sets the CustomCatalogColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetDefaultLanguageNull Sets the DefaultLanguageColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetDisplayNameNull Sets the DisplayNameColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetEndDateNull Sets the EndDateColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetFreeTextIndexCreatedNull Sets the FreeTextIndexCreatedColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetFullTextCatalogNameNull Sets the FullTextCatalogNameColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetIsVirtualCatalogNull Sets the VirtualCatalogColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetIsVirtualCatalogViewNull Sets the VirtualCatalogViewColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetLocaleNull Sets the LocaleColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetModified (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetNull (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetParentRow Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetProductIdNull Sets the ProductIdColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetProductTableUpdatedNull Sets the ProductTableUpdatedColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetReportingLanguageNull Sets the ReportingLanguageColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetStartDateNull Sets the StartDateColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetTimestampNull Sets the TimeStampColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetVariantIdNull Sets the VariantIdColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetWeightMeasureNull Sets the WeightMeasureColumn to a DBNull value.
Aa147906.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogFlags Gets or sets a value in the Catalog representing the CatalogFlags enumeration.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogId Gets or sets a value in the catalog representing the Catalog identifier.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogName Gets or sets a value in the catalog representing the Catalog name.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogStatus Gets or sets a value representing the Catalog status.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif Currency Gets or sets the value in the CurrencyColumn column of the catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CustomCatalog Gets or sets an indicator that this is a custom catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultLanguage Gets or sets the default language of the catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif DisplayName Gets or sets the Display name for the catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif EndDate Gets or sets the End date of catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif FreeTextIndexCreated Gets or sets the DateTime when the FreeTextIndex was created.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif FullTextCatalogName Gets or sets the name of the fulltext catalog used for this catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif HasErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif IsVirtualCatalog Gets or sets value indicating whether this catalog item exists in a virtual catalog or a base catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif IsVirtualCatalogView Gets or sets a value indicating whether this catalog is in the Virtual Catalog view or not.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif Item Overloaded.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif ItemArray (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif Locale Gets or sets value that indicates the default locale to be used by the Catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif ProductId Gets or sets the values in the ProductIdColumn column. The Product Identifier.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif ProductTableUpdated Gets or sets the value in the ProductTableUpdatedColumn column. The Date/time when product table was last updated.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif ReportingLanguage Gets or sets the reporting language for the catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif RowError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif RowState (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif StartDate Gets or sets the Start date of catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif Table (Inherited from DataRow.)
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif Timestamp Gets or sets the value in the TimeStampColumn of the Catalog.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif VariantId Gets or sets the value in the VariantIdColumn column of the CatalogsDataSet..::.CatalogsDataTable table.
Aa147906.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif WeightMeasure Gets or sets Weight-measure of the catalog.


See Also


CatalogsDataSet..::.Catalog Class

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Catalog Namespace