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Sys.Net Namespace

The Sys.Net namespace contains classes that manage communication between AJAX-enabled ASP.NET client applications and Web services on the server. For more information, see Using Web Services in ASP.NET AJAX. The Sys.Net namespace is part of the Microsoft Ajax Library.




Generated Proxy Classes

Enables your application to call Web services asynchronously by using ECMAScript (JavaScript).

Sys.Net.NetworkRequestEventArgs Class

Contains information about a Web request that is ready to be sent to the current WebRequestExecutor instance.

Sys.Net.WebRequest Class

Provides the script API to make a Web request.

Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor Class

Provides the abstract base class from which network executors derive.

Sys.Net.WebRequestManager Class

Manages the flow of Web requests between the WebRequest object and the executor instance that makes the network requests.

Sys.Net.WebServiceError Class

Represents the object type returned to the client when a Web service issues an error.

Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy Class

Enables calling a method of a specified Web service asynchronously

Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor Class

Makes asynchronous network requests by using the browser's XMLHTTP support.