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Ativa ou desativa o ponto de interrupção.

HRESULT Enable( 
   BOOL fEnable
int Enable( 
   int fEnable


  • fEnable
    [in] Definir como diferente de zero (TRUE) para ativar ou a zero (FALSE) para desativar o ponto de interrupção.

Valor de retorno

Se bem-sucedida, retorna S_OK; Caso contrário, retorna um código de erro. Retorna E_BP_DELETED se o estado do objeto acoplado do ponto de interrupção é definido como BPS_DELETED (parte do BP_STATE enumeração).


O exemplo a seguir mostra como implementar este método para um simples CBoundBreakpoint objeto que expõe a IDebugBoundBreakpoint2 interface.

HRESULT CBoundBreakpoint::Enable(BOOL fEnable)  
   HRESULT hr;  
   // Verify that the bound breakpoint has not been deleted. If deleted, 
   // then return hr = E_BP_DELETED.  
   if (m_state != BPS_DELETED)  
      // Check the state of the bound breakpoint. If the breakpoint is
      // supposed to be, but has not already been, enabled, then have the
      // interpreter set the breakpoint.  
      if (fEnable && m_state != BPS_ENABLED)  
         hr = m_pInterp->SetBreakpoint(m_sbstrDoc, this);  
         if (hr == S_OK)  
            // Change the state of the breakpoint to BPS_ENABLED.  
            m_state = BPS_ENABLED;  
      // Check the state of the bound breakpoint. If the breakpoint is 
      // supposed to be, but has not already been, disabled, then have the 
      // interpreter remove the breakpoint.  
      else if (!fEnable && m_state != BPS_DISABLED)  
         hr = m_pInterp->RemoveBreakpoint(m_sbstrDoc, this);  
         if (hr == S_OK)  
            // Change the state of the breakpoint to BPS_DISABLED.  
            m_state = BPS_DISABLED;  
         hr = S_FALSE;  
      hr = E_BP_DELETED;  
   return hr;  

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