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Escrevendo código para tipos diferentes de itens de trabalho usando o modelo do objeto cliente para Team Foundation

Quando você escrever código para projetos de equipe diferentes, você pode executar a mesma função em diferentes tipos de itens de trabalho que servem fins semelhantes. Esses tipos podem ser diferentes porque vêm dos diferentes modelos de processo, ou uma equipe podem tê-los personalizado para um projeto de equipe específico. Por exemplo, você pode desejar executar a mesma função em artigos e dos requisitos do usuário, os que devem representar clientes exigem e valores. Em vez de escrever código separado para cada tipo de item de trabalho, você pode generalizar seu código para funcionar para ambos. Além de isso, uma equipe pode ter personalizado a definição de item de trabalho para artigos do usuário para que os membros da equipe possam estimar o trabalho na hora em vez dos pontos de essa história. Você pode evitar duplicar seu próprio esforço ajustar seu código para tratar a opção e as estratégias personalizados.

Em este tópico, você pode localizar um exemplo de código que executa uma tarefa em um determinado tipo de item de trabalho que não foi personalizado e em seguida, você pode aprender como refatorar a codificação para suportar certas tipos das personalizações. Para obter mais informações sobre como personalizar os tipos de itens de trabalho, consulte Uma exibição completa do que você pode configurar e personalizar no Visual Studio TFS.

Neste tópico

  • Imprimir árvores de artigos de usuário com avaliações em pontos de essa história

  • Imprimir árvores de artigos de usuário com avaliações em pontos de trabalho artigo ou na linha de base

  • Imprimir árvores de itens de trabalho que são usados como requisitos com avaliações

Imprimir árvores de artigos de usuário com avaliações em pontos de essa história

Esta exemplo de código lê árvores de todas as histórias de usuário em cada projeto de equipe em um servidor e inclui avaliações para cada artigo que não tem filhos. Para usar este exemplo, você cria um aplicativo de console, adicione referências para os seguintes conjuntos e em seguida, substitui o conteúdo de Module.vb (ou Module1.vb) com o código a seguir.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client;

namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SDK
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
                //     Server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation.
                //     port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default port is 8080.
                //     vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default path is tfs.
                TfsConfigurationServer configurationServer =
                    TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(new Uri("https://Server:8080/tfs"));
                // Get the catalog of team project collections
                CatalogNode catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode;
                ReadOnlyCollection<CatalogNode> tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(
                    new Guid[] { CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection }, false, CatalogQueryOptions.None);

                // Process each team project collection
                foreach (CatalogNode tpcNode in tpcNodes)
                    // Use the InstanceId property to get the team project collection
                    Guid tpcId = new Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties["InstanceId"]);
                    TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcId);

                    // Get the work item store
                    WorkItemStore wiStore = tpc.GetService<WorkItemStore>();

                    // Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
                    StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ");
                    queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Source].[System.State] = 'Active') AND ");
                    queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ");
                    queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)");
                    Query wiQuery = new Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString());
                    WorkItemLinkInfo[] wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery();

                    // Print the trees of user stories, with the estimated sizes of each leaf
                    PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, "    ", 0, 0);

            catch (Exception e)

        // Each WorkItemLinkInfo structure in the collection contains the IDs of the linked work items.
        // In this case, the sourceId is the ID of the user story that is on the parent side of the link, and
        // the targetId is the ID of the user story that is on the child side of the link. The links
        // are returned in depth-first order. This function recursively traverses the collection
        // and the title of each user story. If the user story has no children, its estimation is also printed.
        static int PrintTrees(WorkItemStore wiStore, WorkItemLinkInfo[] wiTrees, string prefix, int sourceId, int iThis)
            int iNext = 0;

            // Get the parent of this user story, if it has one
            WorkItem source = null;
            if (sourceId != 0)
                source = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees[iThis].SourceId);

            // Process the items in the list that have the same parent as this user story
            while (iThis < wiTrees.Length && wiTrees[iThis].SourceId == sourceId)
                // Get this user story
                WorkItem target = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees[iThis].TargetId);
                Console.Write(": ");
                if (iThis < wiTrees.Length - 1)
                    if (wiTrees[iThis].TargetId == wiTrees[iThis + 1].SourceId)
                        // The next item is this user story's child. Process the children
                        iNext = PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, prefix + "    ", wiTrees[iThis + 1].SourceId, iThis + 1);
                        // The next item is not this user story's child.
                        Console.Write("; estimate = ");
                        Console.WriteLine(target.Fields["Story Points"].Value);
                        iNext = iThis + 1;
                    // This user story is the last one.
                    iNext = iThis + 1;

                iThis = iNext;

            return iNext;
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client

Module Module1
    Sub Main(ByVal sArgs() As String)

            ' Connect to the Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
            ' Server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation
            ' Port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default port is 8080.
            ' Vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default is tfs.

            Dim tfsUri As New Uri("https://Server:8080/tfs")
            Dim configurationServer As TfsConfigurationServer
            configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri)

            ' Get the catalog of team project collections
            Dim catalogNode As CatalogNode
            catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode
            Dim tpcNodes As ReadOnlyCollection(Of CatalogNode)
            Dim gVar As Guid() = New Guid() {CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection}
            tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(gVar, False, CatalogQueryOptions.None)
            ' Process each team project collection
            For Each tpcNode In tpcNodes
                Dim tpcGuid As Guid = New Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties("InstanceID"))
                Dim tpc As New TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsUri)
                tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcGuid)
                ' Get the work item store
                Dim wiStore As WorkItemStore
                wiStore = tpc.GetService(Of WorkItemStore)()
                ' Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
                Dim queryString As New StringBuilder("SELECT [System.ID] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ")
                queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Source].[System.State] = 'Active') AND ")
                queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ")
                queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)")
                Dim wiQuery As New Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString())
                Dim wiTrees() As WorkItemLinkInfo
                wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery()

                ' Print the trees of user stories with the estimated size of each leaf.
                PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, "   ", 0, 0)

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

    End Sub

    ' Each WorkItemLinkInfo structure in the collection contains the IDs of the linked work items.
    ' In this case, the sourceId is the ID of the user story that is on the parent side of the link, and
    ' the targetId is the ID of the user story that is on the child side of the link. The links
    ' are returned in depth-first order. This function recursively traverses the collection
    ' and the title of each user story. If the user story has no children, its estimation is also printed.

    Function PrintTrees(ByVal wiStore As WorkItemStore, ByVal wiTrees As WorkItemLinkInfo(), ByVal prefix As String, ByVal sourceId As Integer, ByVal iThis As Integer) As Integer

        Dim iNext As Integer = 0

        ' Get the parent of this user story, if it has one
        Dim source As WorkItem = Nothing

        If sourceId <> 0 Then
            source = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees(iThis).SourceId)
        End If

        ' Process the items in the list that have the same parent as this user story
        While (iThis < wiTrees.Length AndAlso wiTrees(iThis).SourceId = sourceId)
            ' Get this user story

            Dim target As WorkItem
            target = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees(iThis).TargetId)
            Console.Write(":  ")
            If iThis < (wiTrees.Length - 1) Then
                If wiTrees(iThis).TargetId = wiTrees(iThis + 1).SourceId Then

                    ' The next item is the user story's child.
                    iNext = PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, prefix + "   ", wiTrees(iThis + 1).SourceId, iThis + 1)

                    ' The next item is not the user story's child
                    Console.Write("; estimate = ")
                    Console.WriteLine(target.Fields("Story Points").Value)
                    iNext = iThis + 1
                End If
                ' This user story is the last one.
                iNext = iThis + 1
            End If
            iThis = iNext
        End While
        Return iNext
    End Function

End Module

Imprimir árvores de artigos de usuário com avaliações em pontos de trabalho artigo ou na linha de base

Este exemplo altera o método de PrintTrees para determinar se cada item de trabalho usa os pontos de essa história coloca ou o campo de trabalho da linha de base e para imprimir a avaliação do campo. Para usar este exemplo, você substitui a linha Console.WriteLine(target.Fields["Story Points"].Value); no método de PrintTrees com o código a seguir.

// Determine which estimation field is present
string fieldName = "Story Points";
if (target.Type.FieldDefinitions.TryGetByName(fieldName) == null) 
    fieldName = "Baseline Work";
Dim fieldName As String
fieldName = "Story Points"
If (target.Type.FieldDefinitions.TryGetByName(fieldName) Is Nothing) Then
    fieldName = "Baseline Work"
End If

Árvores de impressão de todas funcionam itens em uma categoria

Você pode agrupar categorias em diferentes tipos de itens de trabalho que servem as mesmas as finalidades semelhantes em projetos de equipe diferentes. Você pode escrever código para executar a mesma função em todos os itens de trabalho que pertencem a uma categoria. Este exemplo imprime avaliações para qualquer tipo de item de trabalho na categoria dos requisitos, como as histórias de usuário, requisitos, e itens de retorno do produto.

Para usar este exemplo, substitua a função do exemplo anterior com o código a seguir.

static void Main(string[] args) 
        // Connect to Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
        //     server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation.
        //     port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default ort is 8080.
        //     vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default path is tfs. 
        TfsConfigurationServer configurationServer =
            TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(new Uri("https://server:8080/tfs"));

        // Get the catalog of team project collections
        CatalogNode catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode; 
        ReadOnlyCollection<CatalogNode> tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(
            new Guid[] { CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection }, false, CatalogQueryOptions.None); 

        // Process each team project collection
        foreach (CatalogNode tpcNode in tpcNodes) 
            // Use the InstanceId property to get the team project collection
            Guid tpcId = new Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties["InstanceId"]);
            TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcId); 

            // Get the work item store
            WorkItemStore wiStore = tpc.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
            foreach (Project project in wiStore.Projects)
                Console.Write("Project: ");

                // Get the type of work item to use 
                CategoryCollection categories = wiStore.Projects[project.Name].Categories; 
                string wiType = categories["Requirement Category"].DefaultWorkItemType.Name;

                // Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
                StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ");
                queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = '"); 
                queryString.Append("' AND [Source].[System.TeamProject] = '"); 
                queryString.Append("') AND ");
                queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ");
                queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story'  AND  ");
                queryString.Append("[Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)"); 
                Query wiQuery = new Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString());
                WorkItemLinkInfo[] wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery();

                // Print the trees of user stories and requirements, with the estimated size of each leaf

                PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, "    ", 0, 0); 

    catch (Exception e) 
Sub Main(ByVal sArgs() As String)

            ' Connect to the Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
            ' Server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation
            ' Port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default port is 8080.
            ' Vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default is tfs.

            Dim tfsUri As New Uri("https://server:8080/tfs")
            Dim configurationServer As TfsConfigurationServer
            configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri)

            ' Get the catalog of team project collections
            Dim catalogNode As CatalogNode
            catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode
            Dim tpcNodes As ReadOnlyCollection(Of CatalogNode)
            Dim gVar As Guid() = New Guid() {CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection}
            tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(gVar, False, CatalogQueryOptions.None)
            ' Process each team project collection
            For Each tpcNode In tpcNodes
                Dim tpcGuid As Guid = New Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties("InstanceID"))
                Dim tpc As New TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsUri)
                tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcGuid)
                ' Get the work item store

                Dim wiStore As WorkItemStore
                wiStore = tpc.GetService(Of WorkItemStore)()
                ' Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
                Dim project As Project
                For Each project In wiStore.Projects
                    Console.Write("Project: ")

                    ' Get the type of work item to use
                    Dim categories As CategoryCollection
                    categories = wiStore.Projects(project.Name).Categories
                    Dim wiType As String
                    wiType = categories("Requirement Category").DefaultWorkItemType.Name
                    ' Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
                    Dim queryString As New StringBuilder("SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ")
                    queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = '") 
                    queryString.Append("' AND [Source].[System.TeamProject] = '") 
                    queryString.Append("') AND ")
                    queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ")
                    queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)")
                    Dim wiQuery As New Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString())
                    Dim wiTrees() As WorkItemLinkInfo
                    wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery()

                    ' Print the trees of user stories with the estimated size of each leaf.
                    PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, "   ", 0, 0)

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
    End Sub