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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.Models Namespace


The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.Models contains classes that represents information and settings for Windows Azure Websites.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass BackupItem

A specific backup.

System_CAPS_pubclass BackupRequest

A specific backup.

System_CAPS_pubclass BackupSchedule

Defines a backup schedule for a website.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse.ConnectionStringInfo

Represents the connection string for a database or other external resources.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters.ConnectionStringInfo

Represents a connection string for a database and other external resource.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse.Database

Represents a database connection.

System_CAPS_pubclass DatabaseBackupSetting

A specific backup.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteOperationStatusResponse.Error

Information about an error that occurred during the operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesListGeoRegionsResponse.GeoRegion

Represents an available geo-region for a web space.

System_CAPS_pubclass GeoRegionNames

Specifies the available geo-region names.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse.HandlerMapping

Represents a custom executable program for handling requests for specific file name extensions.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters.HandlerMapping

Represents a custom executable program for handling requests for specific file name extensions.

System_CAPS_pubclass HistoricalUsageMetric

Historical metric snapshot for the web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass HistoricalUsageMetricData

Historical metric snapshot data for the web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass HistoricalUsageMetricNames

Specifies the available historical usage metrics.

System_CAPS_pubclass HistoricalUsageMetricSample

Historical metric snapshot data sample.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse.PublishProfile

Represents a publish profile.

System_CAPS_pubclass RampUpRule

Specifies a routing rule which can divert traffic to different site based on re-route percentage and host name.and can ramp up/down traffic based on metrics based algorithm or based on custom logic exposed as REST API

System_CAPS_pubclass RestoreRequest

Restore request to either a new or an existing site.

System_CAPS_pubclass RoutingRule

Specifies a routing rule which can divert traffic to different site based on re-route percentage and host name.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetUsageMetricsResponse.UsageMetric

Represents a usage metric.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesListPublishingUsersResponse.User

Represents a publishing user.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlan

A web hosting plan associated with the specified subscription.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanCreateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create Web Web Hosting Plan operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanCreateResponse

The Create Web Web Hosting Plan operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters

Parameters supplied to the Get Historical Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse

The Get Historical Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanGetResponse

The Get Web Hosting Plan operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanListResponse

The List Web Hosting Plans operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanUpdateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Update Web Web Hosting Plan operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostingPlanUpdateResponse

The Create Web Hosting Plan operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSite

Represents a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteBackupResponse

The backup record created based on the backup request.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteCreateParameters

Represents the parameters that are used to create a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteCreateResponse

Represents the details of the created web space.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteDeleteParameters

Parameters supplied to the Delete Web Site operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteDeleteRepositoryResponse

Represents the deleted web site repository.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetBackupConfigurationResponse

Scheduled backup definition.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetBackupsResponse

List of backups for the website.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse

Represents the configuration of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters

Represents the parameters that are used to retrieve historical usage metrics.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse

Represents the retrieved historical usage metrics.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetParameters

Represents the parameters that are used to retrieve a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse

Represents the retrieved publish profiles of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetRepositoryResponse

Represents the retrieved web site repository.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetResponse

Represents a retrieved web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteGetUsageMetricsResponse

Represents the retrieved usage metrics.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSite.WebSiteHostNameSslState

Represents the SSL states that are bound to a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteUpdateParameters.WebSiteHostNameSslState

Represents the SSL state that is bound to a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteInstanceIdsResponse

The web site instance ids response.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteIsHostnameAvailableResponse

The Is Hostname Available Web Site operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteListParameters

Represents the parameters that are used to list websites.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteOperationStatusResponse

The response body contains the status of the specified long-running operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, has timed out, or has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If the long-running operation failed, the response body includes error information regarding the failure.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSite.WebSiteProperties

Represents the properties of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteRestoreDiscoverResponse

The information gathered about a backup storaged in a storage account.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteRestoreResponse

Restore operation information.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters

Represents the parameters that are used to update the configuration of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteUpdateParameters

Represents the parameters that are used to the update a web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteUpdateResponse

Represents an updated web site.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesListResponse.WebSpace

Represents a retrieved web space.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSiteCreateParameters.WebSpaceDetails

Represents the information about the web space to create.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpaceNames

Specifies available web space names.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacePlanNames

Specifies a web space plan.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesCreatePublishingUserParameters

Represents the parameters that are used to create a publishing user.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesCreatePublishingUserResponse

Represents the created publishing user.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesGetDnsSuffixResponse

Represents the retrieved DNS suffix.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesGetResponse

Represents the retrieved web space.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesListGeoRegionsResponse

Represents the retrieved list of geo-regions for a DNS suffix.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesListPublishingUsersResponse

Represents the retrieved publishing users.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesListResponse

Represents the retrieved web spaces.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebSpacesListWebSitesResponse

Represents a retrieved list of websites.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum BackupItemStatus

Backup status

System_CAPS_pubenum ConnectionStringType

System_CAPS_pubenum FrequencyUnit

Defines the unit for the backup frequency

System_CAPS_pubenum ManagedPipelineMode

The managed pipeline mode of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubenum RemoteDebuggingVersion

The remote debugging version.

System_CAPS_pubenum SkuOptions

Usage of a web site's quota.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSiteComputeMode

Specifies the compute mode for a web site.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSiteMode

Specifies the operation mode of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSiteOperationStatus

The status of the asynchronous operation.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSiteRuntimeAvailabilityState

Specifies the runtime availability of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSiteSslState

Specifies the SSL state of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSiteUsageState

Specifies the quota usage of a web site.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSpaceAvailabilityState

Specifies the availability of a web space.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSpaceStatus

Specifies the status of a web space.

System_CAPS_pubenum WebSpaceWorkerSize

Specifies the size of a web space worker.

System_CAPS_pubenum WorkerSizeOptions

The size of a web worker.

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