Esta seção contém os tópicos de ajuda para os cmdlets instalados com o módulo Microsoft.PowerShell.Security do PowerShell. O módulo Segurança contém cmdlets e provedores que gerenciam os recursos básicos de segurança do Windows.
ConvertFrom-SecureString |
Converts a secure string to an encrypted standard string. |
ConvertTo-SecureString |
Converts plain text or encrypted strings to secure strings. |
Get-Acl |
Gets the security descriptor for a resource, such as a file or registry key. |
Get-AuthenticodeSignature |
Gets information about the Authenticode signature for a file. |
Get-CmsMessage |
Gets content that has been encrypted by using the Cryptographic Message Syntax format. |
Get-Credential |
Gets a credential object based on a user name and password. |
Get-ExecutionPolicy |
Gets the execution policies for the current session. |
Get-PfxCertificate |
Gets information about PFX certificate files on the computer. |
New-FileCatalog |
Creates a Windows catalog file containing cryptographic hashes for files and folders in the specified paths. |
Protect-CmsMessage |
Encrypts content by using the Cryptographic Message Syntax format. |
Set-Acl |
Changes the security descriptor of a specified item, such as a file or a registry key. |
Set-AuthenticodeSignature |
Adds an Authenticode signature to a PowerShell script or other file. |
Set-ExecutionPolicy |
Sets the PowerShell execution policies for Windows computers. |
Test-FileCatalog |
This cmdlet is only supported on Windows. |
Unprotect-CmsMessage |
Decrypts content that has been encrypted by using the Cryptographic Message Syntax format. |