Create new navigation property to userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereModelPerformance for deviceManagement
To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaDeviceManagementUserExperienceAnalyticWorkFromAnywhereModelPerformance
[-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
[-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
[-CloudIdentityScore <Double>]
[-CloudManagementScore <Double>]
[-CloudProvisioningScore <Double>]
[-HealthStatus <UserExperienceAnalyticsHealthState>]
[-Id <String>]
[-Manufacturer <String>]
[-Model <String>]
[-ModelDeviceCount <Int32>]
[-WindowsScore <Double>]
[-WorkFromAnywhereScore <Double>]
[-Headers <IDictionary>]
[-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
-BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphUserExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereModelPerformance>
[-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
[-Headers <IDictionary>]
[-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
Create new navigation property to userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereModelPerformance for deviceManagement
Permission type | Permissions (from least to most privileged) |
Delegated (work or school account) | Not supported |
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) | Not supported |
Application | DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, |
Additional Parameters
Type: | Hashtable |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The user experience analytics work from anywhere model performance. To construct, see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.
Type: | IMicrosoftGraphUserExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereModelPerformance |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The cloud identity score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308
Type: | Double |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | 0 |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The cloud management score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308
Type: | Double |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | 0 |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The cloud provisioning score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308
Type: | Double |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | 0 |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Aliases: | cf |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Optional headers that will be added to the request.
Type: | IDictionary |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Type: | UserExperienceAnalyticsHealthState |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The manufacturer name of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The model name of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The devices count for the model. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647
Type: | Int32 |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | 0 |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}
Type: | ActionPreference |
Aliases: | proga |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Optional Response Headers Variable.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | RHV |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Aliases: | wi |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The window score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308
Type: | Double |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | 0 |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The work from anywhere score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308
Type: | Double |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | 0 |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
BODYPARAMETER <IMicrosoftGraphUserExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereModelPerformance>
: The user experience analytics work from anywhere model performance.
[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[Id <String>]
: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.[CloudIdentityScore <Double?>]
: The cloud identity score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308[CloudManagementScore <Double?>]
: The cloud management score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308[CloudProvisioningScore <Double?>]
: The cloud provisioning score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308[HealthStatus <UserExperienceAnalyticsHealthState?>]
: userExperienceAnalyticsHealthState[Manufacturer <String>]
: The manufacturer name of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only.[Model <String>]
: The model name of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only.[ModelDeviceCount <Int32?>]
: The devices count for the model. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647[WindowsScore <Double?>]
: The window score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308[WorkFromAnywhereScore <Double?>]
: The work from anywhere score of the device model. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308