Microsoft Azure PowerShell: cmdlets do StreamAnalytics
Análise de fluxo
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsCluster |
Gets information about the specified cluster. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsClusterStreamingJob |
Lists all of the streaming jobs in the given cluster. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsDefaultFunctionDefinition |
Retrieves the default definition of a function based on the parameters specified. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction |
Gets details about the specified function. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsInput |
Gets details about the specified input. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsJob |
Gets details about the specified streaming job. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsOutput |
Gets details about the specified output. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsQuota |
Retrieves the subscription's current quota information in a particular region. |
Get-AzStreamAnalyticsTransformation |
Gets details about the specified transformation. |
New-AzStreamAnalyticsCluster |
Creates a Stream Analytics Cluster or replaces an already existing cluster. |
New-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction |
Creates a function or replaces an already existing function under an existing streaming job. |
New-AzStreamAnalyticsInput |
Creates an input or replaces an already existing input under an existing streaming job. |
New-AzStreamAnalyticsJob |
Creates a streaming job or replaces an already existing streaming job. |
New-AzStreamAnalyticsOutput |
Creates an output or replaces an already existing output under an existing streaming job. |
New-AzStreamAnalyticsTransformation |
Creates a transformation or replaces an already existing transformation under an existing streaming job. |
Remove-AzStreamAnalyticsCluster |
Deletes the specified cluster. |
Remove-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction |
Deletes a function from the streaming job. |
Remove-AzStreamAnalyticsInput |
Deletes an input from the streaming job. |
Remove-AzStreamAnalyticsJob |
Deletes a streaming job. |
Remove-AzStreamAnalyticsOutput |
Deletes an output from the streaming job. |
Start-AzStreamAnalyticsJob |
Starts a streaming job. Once a job is started it will start processing input events and produce output. |
Stop-AzStreamAnalyticsJob |
Stops a running streaming job. This will cause a running streaming job to stop processing input events and producing output. |
Test-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction |
Tests if the information provided for a function is valid. This can range from testing the connection to the underlying web service behind the function or making sure the function code provided is syntactically correct. |
Test-AzStreamAnalyticsInput |
Tests whether an input's datasource is reachable and usable by the Azure Stream Analytics service. |
Test-AzStreamAnalyticsOutput |
Tests whether an output's datasource is reachable and usable by the Azure Stream Analytics service. |
Update-AzStreamAnalyticsCluster |
Updates an existing cluster. This can be used to partially update (ie. update one or two properties) a cluster without affecting the rest of the cluster definition. |
Update-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction |
Updates an existing function under an existing streaming job. This can be used to partially update (ie. update one or two properties) a function without affecting the rest the job or function definition. |
Update-AzStreamAnalyticsInput |
Updates an existing input under an existing streaming job. This can be used to partially update (ie. update one or two properties) an input without affecting the rest the job or input definition. |
Update-AzStreamAnalyticsJob |
Creates a streaming job or replaces an already existing streaming job. |
Update-AzStreamAnalyticsOutput |
Updates an existing output under an existing streaming job. This can be used to partially update (ie. update one or two properties) an output without affecting the rest the job or output definition. |
Update-AzStreamAnalyticsTransformation |
Updates an existing transformation under an existing streaming job. This can be used to partially update (ie. update one or two properties) a transformation without affecting the rest the job or transformation definition. |