Partilhar via FragmentToken()

 -- Internal Temporary variables that do not pass over the wire are defined below:
 --   MaxOutputTokenSize - Maximum size, in bytes, of the OutputToken that can be
      returned to the caller. MUST be greater than 5.
 --   RemainingOutputToken – The remaining message to be sent.
 --   FragmentOutputToken - A Boolean setting that indicates that more fragments of the OutputToken remain.
 -- Output:
 --   OutputToken – The OutputToken passed to the client.
 If size of RemainingOutputToken > MaxOutputTokenSize
    Set OutputToken to first MaxOutputTokenSize bytes of RemaininggOutputToken 
    Delete first MaxOutputTokenSize bytes of RemainingOutputToken
    Set OutputToken to RemainingOutputToken 
    Set RemainingOutputToken to empty
    Set FragmentOutputToken to FALSE