Partilhar via Application Requests Enumerating a Directory

The application provides:

  • A handle to the Open identifying a directory.

  • The InformationClass of the file information being queried, as specified in [MS-FSCC] section 2.4.

  • The maximum buffer size it will accept in response.

  • A Boolean indicating whether the enumeration is restarted.

  • A Boolean indicating whether only a single entry is returned.

  • A Boolean indicating whether the file specifier has been changed if the enumeration is being restarted.

  • A 4-byte index number to resume the enumeration from if the destination file system supports it (optional).

  • A file specifier string for the enumeration.

If the handle is invalid, or if no Open referenced by the handle is found, the client MUST return an implementation-specific error code. If the handle is valid and Open is found, the client MUST proceed as follows.

For the specified Open, the client MUST select a connection as specified in section If no connection is available, the client MUST fail the enumeration operation.

Otherwise, the client initializes an SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY Request, following the syntax specified in section 2.2.37. The SMB2 header MUST be initialized as follows:

  • The Command field is set to SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY.

  • The SessionId field is set to Open.TreeConnect.Session.SessionId.

  • The TreeId field is set to Open.TreeConnect.TreeConnectId.

The SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY Request MUST be initialized as follows:

  • The FileInformationClass field is set to the InformationClass that is received from the application.

  • The OutputBufferLength field is set to the maximum output buffer that the calling application will accept.

  • If a file specifier string is provided, the client copies it into the Buffer[] and sets the FileNameOffset to the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the SMB2 header to the start of the Buffer[]; and the FileNameLength to the length, in bytes, of the file specifier string. Otherwise, it sets FileNameOffset and FileNameLength to 0.

  • If a file index was provided by the application, the client sets the value in the FileIndex field and sets SMB2_INDEX_SPECIFIED to TRUE in the Flags field.

  • The FileId field is set to Open.FileId.

  • The Flags field MUST be set to a combination of zero or more of the following bit values, as specified in section 2.2.37:

    • SMB2_RESTART_SCANS if the application requested that the enumeration be restarted.

    • SMB2_REOPEN if the application requested that the enumeration be restarted and indicated that the file specifier has changed<165>.

    • SMB2_RETURN_SINGLE_ENTRY if the application requested that only a single entry be returned.

If Connection.Dialect is not "2.0.2" and if Connection.SupportsMultiCredit is TRUE, the CreditCharge field in the SMB2 header MUST be set to ( 1 + (OutputBufferLength – 1) / 65536 ).

The MessageId field in the SMB2 header is set as specified in section, and the request is sent to the server.