Partilhar via CT_ClassificationLabel

The CT_ClassificationLabel type describes the contents of the label element (see section

Each CT_ClassificationLabel contains sensitivity label metadata that was added as part of classifying content using one or more sensitivity label. The attributes shall be written in the order presented here. Unless otherwise specified, these all shall be written exactly as specified when the sensitivity label was created and not updated in any way subsequent to that until the sensitivity label is removed or a different sensitivity label is associated with the corresponding content. Unless otherwise specified, the values are case sensitive. Optional values shall be omitted and shall not be present with an empty value except as noted with the descriptions for particular attributes.

    <xsd:complexType name="CT_ClassificationLabel">
       <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
       <xsd:attribute name="enabled" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>
       <xsd:attribute name="method" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
       <xsd:attribute name="siteId" type="ST_ClassificationGuid" use="required"/>
       <xsd:attribute name="contentBits" type="xsd:unsignedInt" use="optional"/>
       <xsd:attribute name="removed" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>






The id attribute value corresponds to the unique identifier of the sensitivity label as specified in policy. This value shall not be empty. This value ought to be set to the same value as siteId attribute for removed labels. This shall be written in lowercase. If a 128 bit integer, as it typically is, it ought to be written as a ST_ClassificationGuid type.



The enabled attribute value indicates whether the sensitivity label represented by this element is enabled. Removed labels ought not to be enabled.



The method attribute value represents the assignment method for the sensitivity label. This value shall be empty (method="") if the removed attribute is 1. The method attribute value ought to be "Standard" or "Privileged". When converting sensitivity label metadata from some other source, the following guidelines shall govern which to use:

  • Standard: Use for any sensitivity label that was not directly applied by the user. This includes any default labels, automatically applied labels.

  • Privileged: Use for any sensitivity label that was directly applied by the user. This includes any manually applied sensitivity labels as well as recommended or mandatory labeling or any feature where the user decides which sensitivity label to apply.



The siteId attribute value represents the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) site identifier corresponding to the sensitivity label policy which describes the sensitivity label. There shall only be at most one label element with a given siteId. When converting sensitivity label metadata from some other source which contains both parent and child sensitivity labels, only the child sensitivity label shall be included.



The contentBits attribute value represents a decimal DWORD ([MS-DTYP]) describing the types of content marking that ought to be applied to a file. This value can be 0 when present. This value is a logical OR of the following values:

§ Header: 1

§ Footer: 2

§ Watermark: 4

§ Encryption: 8

Other values are unused, and reserved for future use, and shall be ignored on read and shall not be set on write but it is possible to be set by future versions. Implementations ought to omit this attribute for removed labels.



The removed attribute value indicates whether the sensitivity label was removed. A value of 0 (for example) means the sensitivity label is applied to the content. A value of 1 (for example) means the sensitivity label is not applied to the content. When a sensitivity label is removed, instead of removing the label element from the xml there ought to be one label element with a removed attribute to indicate for the corresponding tenant that its sensitivity labels shall not be converted from older locations (see section 2.6.3) it might be stored in the file format, such as custom document properties [MS-OI29500] section 2.1.31.