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Visão geral de grupos de controle

A group is a collection of two or more controls on a form that you can work with as a single unit. Você pode incluir qualquer controle do formulário em um grupo. Quando os controles pertencerem a um grupo, você poderá trabalhar com o grupo inteiro ou pode selecionar um controle único.

Há muitas maneiras de trabalhar com grupos e com os controles em grupos. After you select a group, you can do any of the following:

  • Size all controls in the group at the same time.

  • Separate controls in the group so that each is independent of the others.

  • Show the group shortcut menu for quick access to commands that affect the group.

  • Select a single control within the group without separating other controls in the group. You can then change the property settings of the selected control without affecting other controls in the group.

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