Propriedade TextBox.SelLength (Script do Outlook Forms)
Retorna ou define um Long que representa o número de caracteres selecionados em uma Caixa de Texto. Leitura/gravação.
expressão. SelLength
expression Uma variável que representa um objeto TextBox.
For SelLength and SelStart, the valid range of settings is 0 to the total number of characters in the edit area of a TextBox.
The SelLength property is always valid, even when the control does not have focus. Setting SelLength to a value less than zero creates an error. Attempting to set SelLength to a value greater than the number of characters available in a control results in a value equal to the number of characters in the control.
Changing the value of the SelStart property cancels any existing selection in the control, places an insertion point in the text, and sets SelLength to zero.
The default value, zero, means that no text is currently selected.
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