Propriedade SpinButton.Delay (Script do Outlook Forms)
Returns or sets a Long that specifies the delay in milliseconds, between events on a SpinButton. Leitura/gravação.
expressão. Atraso
Expressão Uma variável que representa um objeto SpinButton .
The Delay property affects the amount of time between consecutive SpinUp, SpinDown, and Change events generated when the user clicks and holds down a button on a SpinButton. The first event occurs immediately. The delay to the second occurrence of the event is five times the value of the specified Delay. This initial lag makes it easy to generate a single event rather than a stream of events.
After the initial lag, the interval between events is the value specified for Delay.
The default value of Delay is 50 milliseconds. This means the object initiates the first event after 250 milliseconds (5 times the specified value) and initiates each subsequent event after 50 milliseconds.
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