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Propriedade Page.Cycle (Script do Outlook Forms)

Returns or sets an Integer that specifies whether cycling includes controls nested in a MultiPage. Leitura/gravação.


expressão. Ciclo

Expressão Uma variável que representa um objeto Page .


The possible values for Cycle are 0 and 2. 0 represents cycling through the controls on the form and the controls of the MultiPage that are currently displayed on the form. 2 represents cycling through the controls on the form and the MultiPage. The focus stays within the form and the MultiPage until the focus is explicitly set to a control outside the form and the MultiPage.

If you specify a non-integer value for Cycle, the value is rounded up to the nearest integer.

The tab order identifies the order in which controls receive the focus as the user tabs through a form or subform. The Cycle property determines the action to take when a user tabs from the last control in the tab order.

The 0 setting transfers the focus to the first control of the next MultiPage on the form when the user tabs from the last control in the tab order.

The 2 setting transfers the focus to the first control of the same form or the MultiPage when the user tabs from the last control in the tab order.

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