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Propriedade ListBox.MatchEntry (Script do Outlook Forms)

Returns or sets an Integer that indicates how a ListBox searches its list as the user types. Leitura/gravação.


expressão. MatchEntry

expressão Uma variável que representa um objeto ListBox.


The settings for MatchEntry are:

Valor Descrição
0 Correspondência básica. O controle pesquisa a próxima entrada que começa com o caractere inserido. Digitar repetidamente a mesma letra circula através de todas as entradas começando com a letra.
1 Coincidência estendida. Conforme cada caractere é digitado, o controle procura por uma coincidência de entrada coincidindo todos os caracteres introduzidos (padrão).
2 Sem coincidência.

The MatchEntry property searches entries from the TextColumn property of a ListBox or ComboBox.

The control searches the column identified by TextColumn for an entry that matches the user's typed entry. Upon finding a match, the row containing the match is selected, the contents of the column are displayed, and the contents of its BoundColumn property become the value of the control. If the match is unambiguous, finding the match initiates the Click event.

The control initiates the Click event as soon as the user types a sequence of characters that match exactly one entry in the list. As the user types, the entry is compared with the current row in the list and with the next row in the list. When the entry matches only the current row, the match is unambiguous.

In Microsoft Forms, this is true regardless of whether the list is sorted. This means the control finds the first occurrence that matches the entry, based on the order of items in the list. For example, entering either "abc" or "bc" will initiate the Click event for the following list:


Note that in either case, the matched entry is not unique; however, it is sufficiently different from the adjacent entry that the control interprets the match as unambiguous and initiates the Click event.

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