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Propriedade Frame.ScrollBars (Script do Outlook Forms)

Returns or sets an Integer that specifies whether a control has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, or both. Leitura/gravação.


expressão. Scrollbars

Expressão Uma variável que representa um objeto Frame .


The settings for ScrollBars are:

Valor Descrição
0 Não exibe barras de rolagem (padrão).
1 Exibe uma barra de rolagem horizontal.
2 Exibe uma barra de rolagem vertical.
3 Exibe ambas uma barra de rolagem horizontal e vertical.

If the KeepScrollBarsVisible property is True, any scroll bar on a form or page is always visible, regardless of whether the object's contents fit within the object's borders.

If visible, a scroll bar constrains its scroll box to the visible region of the scroll bar. It also modifies the scroll position as needed to keep the entire scroll bar visible. The range of a scroll bar changes when the value of the ScrollBars property changes, the scroll size changes, or the visible size changes.

If a scroll bar is not visible, then you can set its scroll position to any value. Negative values and values greater than the scroll size are both valid.

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