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OnsiteApplyConfiguration Schema

Refer to the below schema for Apply Connect enabled job postings. These job postings will allow onsite application collection on LinkedIn job board.


Ensure that partnerQuestionIdentifier are unique and not duplicated in job payloads. Duplicate questions will result in jobs unsuccessfully posting as onsite apply.


  • For all synced jobs ensure application questions match all questions available on customer career sites.

OnsiteApplyConfiguration Fields

Field Description Type Required
jobApplicationWebhookUrl Required for Apply Connect. The URL where you will receive job applications from LinkedIn in near-realtime for this job posting. Note: Any URL that is passed into this field must be capable of passing the Webhook Endpoint Validation Flow. Url Yes
questions Object containing all necessary info to render questions to be asked for a given JobPosting. If no questions are specified, then only basic default contact information questions will be asked during the application process (name, email, and phone number). SimpleTalentQuestions No

SimpleTalentQuestion Fields

Field Description Type Required
contactInformationQuestions Contact Information question section, if this field is null, then only mandatory contact information questions (First Name, Last Name, and Email) will be collected. ContactInformationQuestions No
resumeQuestions Resume question section, if this field is null, then no resume questions will be asked. ResumeQuestions No
coverLetterQuestions Cover letter question section, if this field is null, then no cover letter questions will be asked. CoverLetterQuestions No
workQuestions Work questions, if this field is null then no Work questions will be asked. WorkQuestions No
educationQuestions Education question section, if this field is null then no education questions will be asked. EducationQuestions No
voluntarySelfIdentificationQuestions Voluntary Self Identification question section, if this field is null then no voluntary self identification questions will be asked. VoluntarySelfIdentificationQuestions No
additionalQuestions A collection of custom questions which can be added if questions don’t fit into any other question sections. Questions asked in additional Questions will be rendered in the “Additional Questions” section of the Job Application UI. If this field is null, then no Additional Questions will be asked. AdditionalQuestions No

ContactInformationQuestions Fields

Field Description Type Required
middleNameQuestionRequirement Captures whether middle name should be collected. Defaults to SKIP. QuestionRequirement No
cellphoneNumberQuestionRequirement Captures whether cell phone number should be collected. Defaults to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
locationQuestionRequirement Captures whether location should be collected. Defaults to SKIP. QuestionRequirement No
customQuestions Custom questions to be included within Contact Information section. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

ResumeQuestions Fields

Field Description Type Required
resumeQuestionRequirement Captures whether a resume file (max 2 MB, accepted file types: “doc”, “docx”, “pdf”) needs to be provided. Defaults to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
customQuestions Custom questions to be included within Resume Question section. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

CoverLetterQuestions Fields

Field Description Type Required
coverLetterQuestionRequirement Whether a cover letter file (max 512 KB, accepted file types: "doc", "docx", "pdf") needs to be provided. Defaults to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
textCoverLetterQuestionRequirement Captures whether to accept a multi-line text input for a cover letter. Defaults to SKIP. QuestionRequirement No
customQuestions Custom questions to be included within Cover Letter section. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

WorkQuestions Fields

Field Description Type Required
workExperienceQuestionSet Work Experience set of repeatable questions. WorkExperienceQuestionSet Yes
customQuestions Custom questions to be included within Work question section. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

WorkExperienceQuestionSet Fields

Field Description Type Required
minRequired Require submission of work experience, the work experience min limit can be set to 1, then at least 1 has to be provided in order to submit the subsection. If no minRequired is specified, this field will default to 0. Integer No
repeatLimit The maximum number of times this question set can be asked, e.g. if the value is 1 then the question set will only appear once. For this question set, the acceptable range of values is [1, 10]. If no repeatLimit is specified, this field will default to 10. integer No
titleQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "Title" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will default to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
employmentDatesQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "Employment Dates" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will default to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
cityQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "City" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will default to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
companyQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "Company" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will default to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
descriptionQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "Description" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will default to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
customQuestions Custom questions to be included within Work Experience section. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

EducationQuestions Fields

Field Description Type Required
educationExperienceQuestionSet Education Experience set of repeatable questions. EducationExperienceQuestionSet Yes
customQuestions Custom questions to be included within Education question section. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

EducationExperienceQuestionSet Fields

Field Description Type Required
minRequired Require submission of education experience, the education experience min limit can be set to 1, then at least 1 has to be provided in order to submit the subsection. If no minRequired is specified, this field will default to 0. Integer No
repeatLimit The maximum number of times this question set can be asked, e.g. if the value is 1 then the question set will only appear once. For this question set, the acceptable range of values is [1, 3]. If no repeatLimit is specified, this field will default to 3. integer No
schoolQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "School" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will default to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
datesAttendedQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "Employment Dates" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will default to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
cityQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "City" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will defaults to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
degreeQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "Degree" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will defaults to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
fieldOfStudyQuestionRequirement Captures whether the "Field of Study" question should be asked. If not specified, this field will defaults to OPTIONAL. QuestionRequirement No
customQuestions Additional repeatable custom questions to be included within the Education Experience question set. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

VoluntarySelfIdentificationQuestions Fields

Field Description Type Required
disabilityQuestionRequirement Captures whether the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Disability question should be asked. Defaults to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
genderQuestionRequirement Captures whether the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Gender question should be asked. Defaults to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
raceQuestionRequirement Captures whether the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Race question should be asked. Defaults to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
veteranStatusQuestionRequirement Captures whether the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Veteran Status question should be asked. Defaults to REQUIRED. QuestionRequirement No
customQuestions Additional repeatable custom questions to be included within the Voluntary Self Identification question set. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No

AdditionalQuestions Fields

Field Description Type Required
customQuestionSets A list of custom question sets to be asked in "Additional Questions" section. CustomQuestionSet[] No

CustomQuestionSet Fields

Field Description Type Required
questions The list of 1 or more custom questions that are a part of this custom question set. The ordering of these questions in this list will be maintained when rendering on UI. SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition[] No
repeatLimit The maximum number of times this question set can be asked, e.g. if the value is 1 then the question set will only appear once. For custom question sets, the valid range is [1, 10]. If no value is specified then repeatLimit will default to 1. integer No

QuestionRequirement Enum Values

Value Description
REQUIRED This question is required. An answer must be provided by the applicant in order to complete the job application.
OPTIONAL This question is optional. An answer does not need to be provided by the applicant in order to complete the job application.
SKIP This question is not rendered on the job application. No response will be provided for this question.

SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition Fields

Field Description Type Required
partnerQuestionIdentifier A unique identifier for this custom question. This is intended to be used by your systems to associate the answer(s) to this question when a job application is delivered by LinkedIn. String Yes
questionDetails The details needed for a member to answer a question in any form. These question details will instruct the front-end as to how to render inputs and validation for this question. SimpleQuestionDetails(#simplequestiondetails-fields) Yes
required Whether the question is required to complete the job application. boolean Yes
questionText The label text to describe this question. This field supports the following formats: Unordered list <ui>, List item <li>, Bold <b>, Italic <i>, Links <a> and Paragraph <p> String Yes
helpMessage Brief additional information available to the person being asked the question. String No
expandedHelpMessage Full additional information available to the person being asked the question. String No
prerequisiteQuestionResponse If this field is present, this question is displayed only when the prerequisite question is answered with the prerequisite response. Note that one CustomQuestionSet can only have one prerequisite question. Each answer value of the prerequisite question can be associated to one dependency question by specifying this field in the dependency question. PrerequisiteQuestionResponse(#prerequisitequestionresponse-fields) No

SimpleQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
dateQuestionDetails If this field is present, all other fields must be null. The representation of a question where a date must be provided as the answer. DateQuestionDetails No
dateRangeQuestionDetails If this field is present, all other fields must be null. The representation of a question where a date range must be provided as the answer. DateRangeQuestionDetails No
documentQuestionDetails If this field is present, all other fields must be null. The representation of a question where a document must be provided as the answer. DocumentQuestionDetails No
multipleChoiceQuestionDetails If this field is present, all other fields must be null. The representation of a question where a multiple-choice selection must be provided as the answer. MultipleChoiceQuestionDetails No
numericQuestionDetails If this field is present, all other fields must be null. The representation of a question where a number must be provided as the answer. NumericQuestionDetails No
textQuestionDetails If this field is present, all other fields must be null. The representation of a question where text must be provided as the answer. TextQuestionDetails No

DateQuestionDetails Fields

This is an empty record and contains no fields.

DateRangeQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
startLabel The text that will be used to describe the start date input. Defaults to "From". String No
endLabel The text that will be used to describe the end date input. Defaults to "To". String No
hideEndDateLabel The text that will be used to describe the input that will control whether or not the end date question is shown. For example, for employment dates this might be displayed as a checkbox with a label of "I currently work here". Checking the checkbox would unset and hide the end date question regardless of the content of the label. String Yes

PrerequisiteQuestionResponse Fields

Field Description Type Required
prerequisiteQuestion The prerequisite question that triggers the display of this question. The prerequisite question must be a multiple choice question with RADIO_BUTTONS as form component. PrerequisiteQuestionIdentifier Yes
prerequisiteResponse The required response to the prerequisite question that triggers the display of this question. PrerequisiteAnswerValue Yes

PrerequisiteQuestionIdentifier Fields

Field Description Type Required
partnerQuestionIdentifier Identifier for custom questions. Each custom question has an identifier specified in partnerQuestionIdentifier under SimpleTalentQuestionDefinition. String Yes

PrerequisiteAnswerValue Fields

Field Description Type Required
multipleChoiceAnswerValue An answer to a multiple choice question. MultipleChoiceAnswerValue Yes

DocumentQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
maximumSize Maximum allowed size of the attachment in bytes. For resume 2 MB max size limit and cover letter 512 KB max size limit. Defaults to 100 MB. long No
acceptableFileExtensions File extensions that you accept (e.g. doc, docx, pdf). These should always be listed in lowercase. Leaving out this optional field indicates that the ATS has no restrictions. An empty array indicates that the ATS only accepts files with no extension. String[] No

MultipleChoiceQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
choices Array of possible answers to this question. MultipleChoiceAnswerOption[] Yes
defaultValueSymbolicName The symbolic name for the default answer value from the array of choices. String No
favorableMultipleChoiceAnswer Fields that contains the favorable multiple choice answer value for this question. This should only be present for which the question has a preferred/required qualification. FavorableMultipleChoiceAnswer No
preferredFormComponent Indicates whether a set of radio buttons, a dropdown etc. should be used to display this question. FormComponent No
selectMultiple Indicates whether the applicant is allowed to select more than one option when FormComponent is CHECKBOXES​. Default to false boolean No

MultipleChoiceAnswerOption Fields

Field Description Type Required
symbolicName Machine-parsable name to refer to this particular answer. String Yes
displayValue The display value for this multiple choice answer. String Yes

MultipleChoiceAnswerValue Fields

Field Description Type Required
symbolicNames An array of symbolic names for the answer value from the array of choices. Please specify only one symbolic name when this MultipleChoiceAnswerValue is used to represent a prerequisite answer value. String[] Yes

FavorableMultipleChoiceAnswer Fields

Field Description Type Required
favorableSymbolicNames The symbolicNames from MultipleChoiceQuestionDetails that should be considered favorable. An example could be [“BACHELOR”, “MASTERS”] to indicate that the job poster wants the candidate to have either one of the educational levels. String[] Yes

NumericQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
decimalQuestionDetails If this field is present, the field integerQuestionDetails must be null. If this field is null, integerQuestionDetails must be present. DecimalQuestionDetails Yes, if integerQuestionDetails is not provided.
integerQuestionDetails If this field is present, the field decimalQuestionDetails must be null. If this field is null, decimalQuestionDetails must be present. IntegerQuestionDetails Yes, if decimalQuestionDetails is not provided.
favorableNumericAnswer Fields that contains the favorable numeric answer value for this question. This should only be present for numeric questions for which the question is a preferred/required qualification. String No

DecimalQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
suggestedValue The suggested answer that is prefilled for the applicant being asked the question. float No
minValue The minimum value that is allowed for a decimal answer. Defaults to “0.0”. float No
maxValue The maximum value allowed for a decimal answer. float No

IntegerQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
suggestedValue The suggested answer that is prefilled for the applicant being asked the question. integer No
minValue The minimum value that is allowed for a decimal answer. Defaults to “0”. integer No
maxValue The maximum value allowed for an integer answer. integer No

FavorableNumericAnswer Fields

Field Description Type Required
favorableFloor The minimum inclusive value that will be considered favorable. For example, this field would be set to 5.0 if you want to capture ‘Minimum 5 years of experience’. Null means negative infinity. float No
favorableCeiling The maximum inclusive value that will be considered favorable. Null means infinity. float No

TextQuestionDetails Fields

Field Description Type Required
suggestedValue The suggested answer that is prefilled for the applicant being asked the question. String No
minLength The minimum text length for the answer. Defaults to 0. integer No
maxLength The maximum text length for the answer. integer No
preferredFormComponent Indicates whether a one-line or multi-line text input should be used. Should be TEXT or MULTILINE_TEXT. FormComponent No

FormComponent Enum Values

Value Description
CHECKBOXES A series of checkboxes - one for each option.
DROPDOWN A vertical list of options.
MULTILINE_TEXT A free-form text area that accepts multiple lines of text.
RADIO_BUTTONS A list of options with a toggle next to each one. Selecting one option will deselect all others.
TEXT A free-form text area that accepts only one line of text.
BUTTONS A series of buttons - one for each option.