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An event is an entity that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time. For example, a professional conference or trade show would be an event.

Event Schema

Field Name Format Description
address optional Address The physical address of the event (i.e. where the event is taking place)
backgroundImage optional DigitalmediaAssetUrn Background image associated with this event.
description MultiLocaleRichText The description of the event, as input by the user.
id long Unique identifier of the event.
logo optional DigitalmediaAssetUrn Logo associated with this event.
name MultiLocaleString The name of the event, as input by the user.
organizer personUrn or organizationUrn Entity responsible for organizing this event.
timeRange TimeRange The start and end time of the event.
venueDetails optional MultiLocaleRichText The additional details about the event venue, on top of the address field, like room name, floor number etc. as input by the user.

Address Schema

Field Name Format Description
city optional string City this address belongs to.
country optional string Country/region this address belongs to. Uses the ISO 3166-2 2 Character Country Code.
geographicArea optional string State of the Province this address belongs to.
geographicAreaType optional string The type of the geographic area, State or Province. Can currently be the following:
  • PROVINCE - province
  • STATE -state
line1 optional string First line of this address.
line2 optional string Second line of this address.
line3 optional string Third line of this address.
line4 optional string Fourth line of this address.
postalCode optional string Postal code of this address.

TimeRange Schema

Field Name Format Description
end optional long Represents the exclusive (strictly less than) value in which to end the range. An unset field here indicates an open range.
start optional long Represents the inclusive (greater than or equal to) value in which to start the range. An unset field here indicates an open range.