id |
Yes |
The unique identifier of the patent object. |
applicationNumber |
No |
Localizable patent application number. It is a MultiLocaleString type. Only displayed when pending is true. |
description |
No |
Localizable description for additional details about this education. It is a MultiLocaleRichText type. |
filingDate |
No |
Month, day, and year the patent was filed. It is a Date type. Only displayed when pending is true. |
inventors |
Yes |
Members who created the patent or contributed to it. Represented in an array of Contributors. Required to have the member's own person URN in the array. |
memberId |
No |
The inventor represented in person URN. |
name |
No |
Localizable member name. It is a MultiLocaleString type. |
issueDate |
No |
Month, day, and year the patent was officially issued. It is a Date type. Only displayed when pending is false. |
issuer |
Yes |
Localizable issuer of the patent. Issuer based on country/region and is represented by lowercase two-letter country code as defined by ISO-3166 . It is a MultiLocaleString type. |
number |
No |
Localizable patent number. It is a MultiLocaleString type. Only displayed when pending is false. |
pending |
Yes |
The status of patent represented as a boolean. |
title |
Yes |
Localizable title of the patent. It is a MultiLocaleString type. |
url |
No |
URL referencing the patent represented in string. |