Status Information
The Host Integration Server SNA Manager provides several types of status messages that can supplement other performance information.
You can see the status of servers, logical units (LUs), and connections (Active, Inactive, Pending, Stopping, Active [Out of Date], or Error) in the console tree by selecting the server of interest.
You can view the number of users and the number of sessions by double-clicking the relevant server. This information can be especially useful when combined with data from System Monitor.
Also on the SNA Manager, you can view the names of active 5250 users being supported by a particular local LU. If there is only one local LU per server, the names will include all users with active 5250 sessions on a particular server.
For example, click Servers in the console tree to view the status of a given SNA subdomain. The status of the servers in that subdomain will appear in the details pane.