Solution Explorer Shortcut Menu
When you select a Transaction Integrator-compatible file in Solution Explorer, the appropriate context-sensitive, or shortcut menu commands are displayed.
Add: Adds a new item to the project.
Method: Adds a new method with an integer return type.
Recordset: Adds a new recordset with an integer column.
Recordset Member:
User-defined Type: Adds a new user-defined type with an integer member.
User-defined Type Member:
Import: Imports an existing item into the project.
COBOL: Starts the Import COBOL Wizard to help you import COBOL to the interface (Class) definition.
Library: Starts the Library Import Wizard to help you import an existing type library or assembly to the interface (Class) definition.
Export: Starts the Export Wizard to help you generate a COBOL copy book equivalent to the current type library.
Generate Definition: Displays the definition of the current library. For COM libraries, it displays the IDL definition; for .NET Framework assemblies, it displays the C# definition.