IcomLUO.Send Method
Sends a complete inbound chain of data on an LU0 session.
void Send(
int hint,
ref System.Array data,
out short seqno)
Parameter | Description |
hint |
A hint from the application regarding how the data is to be processed. For more information, see the remarks section. |
data |
The data to send. |
seqno |
When this method returns, contains the SNA sequence number of the chain. You can use the value returned by seqno to correlate any response the host may send later. |
Return Value
Value | Description |
S_OK | The data was sent successfully. If relevant, positive response was also received. |
CLU0_S_MULTI_CHIIN | The session does not support multi-RU chains, but the data was larger than the RU size. comLU0 sent the data as a sequence of single RU chains. |
CLU0_S_DEFINITE_RSP_MODE | comLU0 sent the data using DEFINITE_RESPONSE mode when EXCEPTION_RESPONSE or NO_RESPONSE was requested. |
CLU0_S_EXCEPTION_RSP_MODE | comLU0 send the data using EXCEPTION_RESPONSE mode when DEFINITE_RESPONSE or NO_RESPONSE was requested. |
CLU0_S_NO_RSP_MODE | comLU0 sent the data using NO_RESPONSE mode when DEFINITE_RESPONSE or EXCEPTION_RESPONSE was requested. |
CLU0_E_NEG_RESPONSE | The host or SNA server sent a negative response to the DEFINITE_RESPONSE. |
CLU0_E_NO_RSP_REQUESTED | No response was received from the host to a RQD request. You should call IcomLU0.Receive to determine the reason that he response was not received. For example, a CLEAR may have been received, or the session experienced an outage. |
CLU0_E_BRACKED_NOT_ALLOWED | The session was between brackets but comLU0 was not allowed to start a new bracket. This occurred due to comLU0 receiving an SBI from the host. |
CLU0_E_SESSION_FAILED | The underlying SNA session failed, possibly do to a link outage or other transient failure. You must disconnect and release the server session. Optionally, you may call IcomLU0.Offline to reset the session, and then call IcomLU0.Online to reactive the session. |
CLU0_E_RECEIVE_IN_PROGRESS | The application has not completed receiving the last chain sent by the host. This is likely indicated by Receive returning the DATA_INCOMPLETE message. You should re-issue IcomLU0.Receive call to collect the remaining data and then call Send again. |
CLU0_E_SERVER_FAILURE | The TSS session is no longer valid. You should release the session handle. |
CLU0_E_WAITING | Another thread has issued a Receive call for this method, which has not yet returned. |
CLU0_E_SESSIONFAILURE | The LU0 session failed. |
CLU0_E_NOTCONNECTED | The comLU0 client is not connected to a session through a call to Icom3270.Connect. |
CLU0_E_SYSERROR | The send failed due to a system error. |
The SNA TH and RH are provided by comLU0 and must not be present in the data presented by the application.
The following table describes the possible values for hint
Value | Description |
END_BRACKET | comLU0 should end the current bracket. |
PREPARE_TO_RECEIVE | The application is about to enter the receive state. |
NO_RESPONSE | The application does not need a response from the host. |
EXCEPTION_RESPONSE1/2 | The application requires that the host send a negative response only. |
DEFINITIE_RESPONSE1/2 | The application requires that the host send a response to the data. |
NORMAL_DATA | The application is sending the on the normal data flow. |
EXPEDITED_DATA | The application is sending the data on the expedited data flow. |
APPL_DATA | The data is application (FMD) data. |
FM_DATA | The data is Function Management (FMH) data |
LU_DATA | The application is sending the data on the LU session. |
SCP_DATA | The application is sending the data on the SSCP session. |