How to Create a Link Service
Another task you may want to perform when setting up an IPDLC connection is to create the link service.
To create a link service
Connect to the namespace on the local computer using GetObject.
Create the new link service instance using SpawnInstance.
Set the properties of the new link service.
Commit the new instance to memory using the Put_ method.
The following example shows how to create a new link service:
private Sub CreateIPDLCLinkService
on error resume next
' Connect to the namepsace on the local machine
Set Namespace = GetObject("Winmgmts:root\MicrosoftHIS")
Set ObjClass = Namespace.Get("MsSna_LinkService_IpDlc")
' Create new link service instance
Set NewInst = ObjClass.SpawnInstance_
' Set instance properties
NewInst.NetworkName = Left(strComputerName, 8)
NewInst.CPName = "IPDLCLS"
NewInst.NodeID = "05D.FFFFF"
NewInst.AddressType = 2
NewInst.LocalAddress = Trim(strLocalAddress)
NewInst.LENNode = strLenNode
NewInst.PrimaryNNS = strPrimaryNNS
if (strBackupNNS <> Empty) then
NewInst.BackupNNS = strBackupNNS
end if
' Commit the instance
if Err.Number <> 0 then
PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number
Wscript.Echo "Link Service Creation Failed " & Err.Description
Wscript.Echo "Link Serice Created Successfully"
end if
End Sub