How to Create a 5250 Local APPC LU
The following procedure details creating a 5250 local APPC LU manually.
To create a 5250 local APPC LU
In SNA Manager, expand the server on which to add the Local APPC LU.
Expand SNA Service, and right-click Local APPC LU.
Point to New, and then select Local LU.
On the General tab:
Enter LU Alias.
Enter Network Name.
Enter LU Name.
Enter Comment (optional).
On the Advanced tab:
Select if this is a member of default local APPC LU pool.
Enter time-out in seconds for starting invokable TPs.
Select implicit incoming remote LU.
Select LU 6.2 type.
Select SyncPoint support.
Click OK.
Right-click SNA Service, and click Save configuration.
Stop and then start SNA service.
See Also
IP-DLC Link Service
Creating Connections
Creating a 3270 Connection with a Wizard
How to Create a 3270 Connection Manually
Creating a 5250 Connection with a Wizard
How to Create a 5250 Connection Manually
How to Create a 5250 Remote APPC LU