How to Configure an IPDLC Link Service
To configure an IPDLC link service
Retrieve the command prompt instructions.
If necessary, retrieve the adapter name.
Create the link service.
Create the independent session.
The following code sample describes how to configure an IPDLC link service. The following table describes the relevant command prompt switches:
Command line switch | Description |
-p | PrimaryNNS: the Primary Network Node Server |
-b | (Optional) BackupNNS: Backup Network Node Server |
-d | (Optional) device: Overrides the adapter name discovered |
-l | (Optional) LenNode: Used to configure the LEN node (default is 1st) |
On Error Resume Next
'Declarations and Constants
Dim strPrimaryNNS
Dim strBackupNNS
Dim strLocalAddress
Dim strLenNode
Dim strComputerName
Dim wshEnvProc
strPrimaryNNS = ""
strBackupNNS = ""
strLocalAddress = ""
strLenNode = "SNA Service"
'Get the command line
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
For I = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
select case objArgs(I)
Case "-p"
I = I + 1
strPrimaryNNS = objArgs(I)
case "-b"
I = I + 1
strBackupNNS = objArgs(I)
case "-d"
I = I + 1
strLocalAddress = objArgs(I)
case "-l"
I = I + 1
strLenNode = objArgs(I)
case else
Wscript.Echo "Script Usage: "
Wscript.Echo " -p Primary NNS (Required)"
Wscript.Echo " -b Backup NNS (Optional)"
wscript.echo " -d Device Name (Optional)"
wscript.echo " -l Len Node (Optional)"
end select
'NNS parameter is required
if strPrimaryNNS = "" then
Wscript.Echo "Please supply the -p (PrimaryNNS) parameter"
end if
'See if we need to get a device
if strLocalAddress = "" then
end if
' Two methods for creating the link service and independent session connection