Os SDKs do Microsoft Graph fornecem três classes para trabalhar com pedidos e respostas em lote.
O SDK do Microsoft Graph processa automaticamente pedidos de criação de batches no que diz respeito ao limite de 20 pedidos por lote. Isto significa que, se o código exceder este limite, o SDK divide os pedidos em lotes separados em segundo plano. Isto garante que cada lote está em conformidade com a limitação. Já não precisa de implementar manualmente a lógica para processar este limite de criação de lotes, o que torna o seu código mais limpo e fácil de gerir.
Este exemplo mostra como enviar vários pedidos num lote que não dependem uns dos outros. O serviço pode executar os pedidos por qualquer ordem. Este exemplo obtém o utilizador e obtém a vista de calendário do utilizador para o dia atual.
// Use the request builder to generate a regular
// request to /me
var userRequest = graphClient.Me.ToGetRequestInformation();
var today = DateTime.Now.Date;
// Use the request builder to generate a regular
// request to /me/calendarview?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
var eventsRequest = graphClient.Me.CalendarView
.ToGetRequestInformation(requestConfiguration =>
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.StartDateTime =
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.EndDateTime =
// Build the batch
var batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContentCollection(graphClient);
// Using AddBatchRequestStepAsync adds each request as a step
// with no specified order of execution
var userRequestId = await batchRequestContent
var eventsRequestId = await batchRequestContent
var returnedResponse = await graphClient.Batch.PostAsync(batchRequestContent);
// De-serialize response based on known return type
var user = await returnedResponse
Console.WriteLine($"Hello {user.DisplayName}!");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Get user failed: {ex.Message}");
// For collections, must use the *CollectionResponse class to deserialize
// The .Value property will contain the *CollectionPage type that the Graph client
// returns from GetAsync().
var events = await returnedResponse
$"You have {events.Value?.Count} events on your calendar today.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Get calendar view failed: {ex.Message}");
// Use the request builder to generate a regular
// request to /me
meRequest, err := graphClient.Me().
ToGetRequestInformation(context.Background(), nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error creating GET /me request: %v\n", err)
now := time.Now()
nowMidnight := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(),
0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
viewStart := nowMidnight.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
viewEnd := nowMidnight.AddDate(0, 0, 1).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
query := users.ItemCalendarViewRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters{
StartDateTime: &viewStart,
EndDateTime: &viewEnd,
Select: []string{"subject", "id"},
// Use the request builder to generate a request
// to /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
eventsRequest, err := graphClient.Me().
QueryParameters: &query,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error creating GET /me/calendarView request: %v\n", err)
// Build the batch
batch := graphcore.NewBatchRequest(graphClient.GetAdapter())
// Using AddBatchRequestStep adds each request as a step
// with no specified order of execution
meRequestItem, err := batch.AddBatchRequestStep(*meRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error adding GET /me request to batch: %v\n", err)
eventsRequestItem, err := batch.AddBatchRequestStep(*eventsRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error adding GET /me/calendarView request to batch: %v\n", err)
batchResponse, err := batch.Send(context.Background(), graphClient.GetAdapter())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error sending batch: %v\n", err)
// De-serialize response based on known return type
user, err := graphcore.GetBatchResponseById[models.Userable](
batchResponse, *meRequestItem.GetId(), models.CreateUserFromDiscriminatorValue)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading GET /me response: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Hello %s\n", *(user.GetDisplayName()))
// For collections, must use the *CollectionResponseable class to deserialize
events, err := graphcore.GetBatchResponseById[models.EventCollectionResponseable](
batchResponse, *eventsRequestItem.GetId(),
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading GET /me/calendarView response: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("You have %d events on your calendar today\n", len(events.GetValue()))
// Create the batch request content with the steps
final BatchRequestContent batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent(
// Use the Graph client to generate the requestInformation object for GET /me
final RequestInformation meRequestInformation = graphClient.me()
final ZoneOffset localTimeZone = OffsetDateTime.now().getOffset();
final OffsetDateTime today = OffsetDateTime.of(LocalDate.now(),
LocalTime.MIDNIGHT, localTimeZone);
final OffsetDateTime tomorrow = today.plusDays(1);
// Use the Graph client to generate the requestInformation for
// GET /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
RequestInformation calenderViewRequestInformation = graphClient.me()
.calendarView().toGetRequestInformation(requestConfiguration -> {
requestConfiguration.queryParameters.startDateTime = today.toString();
requestConfiguration.queryParameters.endDateTime = tomorrow.toString();
// Add the requestInformation objects to the batch request content
final String meRequestId = batchRequestContent
final String calendarViewRequestStepId = batchRequestContent
// Send the batch request content to the /$batch endpoint
final BatchResponseContent batchResponseContent = Objects.requireNonNull(
graphClient.getBatchRequestBuilder().post(batchRequestContent, null));
// Get the user response using the id assigned to the request
final User me = batchResponseContent.getResponseById(meRequestId,
System.out.println(String.format("Hello %s!", me.getDisplayName()));
// Get the calendar view response by id
final EventCollectionResponse eventsResponse = Objects.requireNonNull(
System.out.println(String.format("You have %d events on your calendar today",
// Use the request builder to generate a GET
// request to /me
$userRequest = $graphClient->me()->toGetRequestInformation();
$timeZone = new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
$today = new \DateTimeImmutable('today midnight', $timeZone);
$tomorrow = new \DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow midnight', $timeZone);
// Use the request builder to generate a GET
// request to /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
$query = new CalendarViewRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters(
startDateTime: $today->format(\DateTime::ATOM),
endDateTime: $tomorrow->format(\DateTime::ATOM));
$config = new CalendarViewRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration(queryParameters: $query);
$eventsRequest = $graphClient->me()->calendarView()->toGetRequestInformation($config);
// Build the batch
$userRequestItem = new BatchRequestItem($userRequest);
$eventsRequestItem = new BatchRequestItem($eventsRequest);
$batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent([$userRequestItem, $eventsRequestItem]);
// Create a batch request builder to send the batched requests
$batchRequestBuilder = new BatchRequestBuilder($graphClient->getRequestAdapter());
/** @var BatchResponseContent $batchResponse */
$batchResponse = $batchRequestBuilder->postAsync($batchRequestContent)->wait();
// De-serialize the responses
$user = $batchResponse->getResponseBody($userRequestItem->getId(), Models\User::class);
print('Hello '.$user->getDisplayName().'!'.PHP_EOL);
// For collections, must use the *CollectionResponse class to deserialize
// getValue will return an array of items
$events = $batchResponse->getResponseBody($eventsRequestItem->getId(), Models\EventCollectionResponse::class);
print('You have '.count($events->getValue()).' events on your calendar today'.PHP_EOL);
// Create a batch request step to GET /me
// Request is from fetch polyfill, i.e. node-fetch
const userRequestStep: BatchRequestStep = {
id: '1',
request: new Request('https://graph.microsoft.com/me', {
method: 'GET',
// startOfToday and endOfToday from date-fns
const start = startOfToday().toISOString();
const end = endOfToday().toISOString();
// Create a batch request step to GET
// /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
const calendarViewRequestStep: BatchRequestStep = {
id: '2',
request: new Request(
method: 'GET',
// Create the batch request content with the steps created
// above
const batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent([
const content = await batchRequestContent.getContent();
// POST the batch request content to the /$batch endpoint
const batchResponse = await graphClient.api('/$batch').post(content);
// Create a BatchResponseContent object to parse the response
const batchResponseContent = new BatchResponseContent(batchResponse);
// Get the user response using the id assigned to the request
const userResponse = batchResponseContent.getResponseById('1');
// For a single entity, the JSON payload can be deserialized
// into the expected type
// Types supplied by @microsoft/microsoft-graph-types
if (userResponse.ok) {
const user: User = (await userResponse.json()) as User;
console.log(`Hello ${user.displayName}!`);
} else {
console.log(`Get user failed with status ${userResponse.status}`);
// Get the calendar view response by id
const calendarResponse = batchResponseContent.getResponseById('2');
// For a collection of entities, the "value" property of
// the JSON payload can be deserialized into an array of
// the expected type
if (calendarResponse.ok) {
const rawResponse = (await calendarResponse.json()) as PageCollection;
const events: Event[] = rawResponse.value;
console.log(`You have ${events.length} events on your calendar today.`);
} else {
`Get calendar view failed with status ${calendarResponse.status}`,
Este exemplo mostra como enviar vários pedidos num lote que dependem uns dos outros. O serviço executa o pedido pela ordem especificada pelas dependências. Este exemplo adiciona um evento com uma hora de início durante o dia atual ao calendário do utilizador e obtém a vista de calendário do utilizador para o dia atual. Para se certificar de que a revisão do calendário devolvida inclui o novo evento criado, o pedido para a vista de calendário está configurado como dependente do pedido para adicionar o novo evento. Isto garante que o pedido de adição de eventos é executado primeiro.
var today = DateTime.Now.Date;
var newEvent = new Event
Subject = "File end-of-day report",
Start = new DateTimeTimeZone
// 5:00 PM
DateTime = today.AddHours(17)
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.StandardName,
End = new DateTimeTimeZone
// 5:30 PM
DateTime = today.AddHours(17).AddMinutes(30)
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.StandardName,
// Use the request builder to generate a regular
// POST request to /me/events
var addEventRequest = graphClient.Me.Events
// Use the request builder to generate a regular
// request to /me/calendarview?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
var calendarViewRequest = graphClient.Me.CalendarView.ToGetRequestInformation(
requestConfiguration =>
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.StartDateTime =
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.EndDateTime =
// Build the batch
var batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContentCollection(graphClient);
// Force the requests to execute in order, so that the request for
// today's events will include the new event created.
// First request, no dependency
var addEventRequestId = await batchRequestContent
// Second request, depends on addEventRequestId
var eventsRequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var eventsRequestMessage = await graphClient.RequestAdapter
batchRequestContent.AddBatchRequestStep(new BatchRequestStep(
var returnedResponse = await graphClient.Batch.PostAsync(batchRequestContent);
// De-serialize response based on known return type
var createdEvent = await returnedResponse
Console.WriteLine($"New event created with ID: {createdEvent.Id}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Add event failed: {ex.Message}");
// For collections, must use the *CollectionResponse class to deserialize
// The .Value property will contain the *CollectionPage type that the Graph client
// returns from GetAsync().
var events = await returnedResponse
$"You have {events.Value?.Count} events on your calendar today.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Get calendar view failed: {ex.Message}");
now := time.Now()
nowMidnight := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(),
0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
timeZone, _ := tzlocal.RuntimeTZ()
// 5:00 PM
startDateTime := nowMidnight.Add(time.Hour * 17)
// 5:30 PM
endDateTime := startDateTime.Add(time.Minute * 30)
graphDateTimeFormat := "2006-01-02T15:04:05"
// Create event
newEvent := models.NewEvent()
subject := "File end-of-day report"
start := models.NewDateTimeTimeZone()
startString := startDateTime.Format(graphDateTimeFormat)
end := models.NewDateTimeTimeZone()
endString := endDateTime.Format(graphDateTimeFormat)
addEventRequest, err := graphClient.Me().
ToPostRequestInformation(context.Background(), newEvent, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error creating POST /me/events request: %v\n", err)
viewStart := nowMidnight.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
viewEnd := nowMidnight.AddDate(0, 0, 1).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
query := users.ItemCalendarViewRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters{
StartDateTime: &viewStart,
EndDateTime: &viewEnd,
Select: []string{"subject", "id"},
// Use the request builder to generate a request
// to /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
eventsRequest, err := graphClient.Me().
QueryParameters: &query,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error creating GET /me/calendarView request: %v\n", err)
// Build the batch
batch := graphcore.NewBatchRequest(graphClient.GetAdapter())
// Force the requests to execute in order, so that the request for
// today's events will include the new event created.
// First request, no dependency
addEventRequestItem, err := batch.AddBatchRequestStep(*addEventRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error adding POST /me/events request to batch: %v\n", err)
// Second request, depends on addEventRequestId
eventsRequestItem, err := batch.AddBatchRequestStep(*eventsRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error creating GET /me/calendarView request to batch: %v\n", err)
batchResponse, err := batch.Send(context.Background(), graphClient.GetAdapter())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error sending batch: %v\n", err)
// De-serialize response based on known return type
event, err := graphcore.GetBatchResponseById[models.Eventable](
batchResponse, *addEventRequestItem.GetId(),
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading POST /me/events response: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("New event created with ID: %s\n", *(event.GetId()))
// For collections, must use the *CollectionResponseable class to deserialize
events, err := graphcore.GetBatchResponseById[models.EventCollectionResponseable](
batchResponse, *eventsRequestItem.GetId(),
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading GET /me/calendarView response: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("You have %d events on your calendar today\n", len(events.GetValue()))
// Create the batch request content with the steps
final BatchRequestContent batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent(
final ZoneOffset localTimeZone = OffsetDateTime.now().getOffset();
final OffsetDateTime today = OffsetDateTime.of(LocalDate.now(),
LocalTime.MIDNIGHT, localTimeZone);
final OffsetDateTime tomorrow = today.plusDays(1);
// Create a new event for today at 5:00 PM
final Event newEvent = new Event();
newEvent.setSubject("File end-of-day report");
// 5:00 PM
final DateTimeTimeZone start = new DateTimeTimeZone();
// 5:30 PM
final DateTimeTimeZone end = new DateTimeTimeZone();
// Use the Graph client to add the requestInformation for POST /me/events
RequestInformation postEventRequestInformation = graphClient.me().events()
// Get the id assigned to the request
String postEventRequestId = batchRequestContent
// Use the Graph client to generate the requestInformation
// GET /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
final RequestInformation calendarViewRequestInformation = graphClient.me()
.calendarView().toGetRequestInformation(requestConfiguration -> {
requestConfiguration.queryParameters.startDateTime = today.toString();
requestConfiguration.queryParameters.endDateTime = tomorrow.toString();
final String calendarViewRequestId = batchRequestContent
// Set the dependsOnId to 'postEventRequestId'
// Send the batch request content to the /$batch endpoint
final BatchResponseContent batchResponseContent = Objects.requireNonNull(
graphClient.getBatchRequestBuilder().post(batchRequestContent, null));
// Get the event response using the id assigned to the request
final Event postedEvent = batchResponseContent.getResponseById(postEventRequestId,
System.out.println(String.format("New event created with ID: %s",
// Get the calendar view response by id
final EventCollectionResponse eventsResponse = Objects
System.out.println(String.format("You have %d events on your calendar today",
$startTime = new \DateTimeImmutable('today 5PM');
$endTime = $startTime->add(new \DateInterval('PT30M'));
$newEvent = new Models\Event();
$newEvent->setSubject('File end-of-day report');
$start = new Models\DateTimeTimeZone();
$start->setTimeZone('Eastern Standard Time');
$end = new Models\DateTimeTimeZone();
$end->setTimeZone('Eastern Standard Time');
// Use the request builder to generate a
// POST request to /me/events
$addEventRequest = $graphClient->me()->events()->toPostRequestInformation($newEvent);
$timeZone = new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
$today = new \DateTimeImmutable('today midnight', $timeZone);
$tomorrow = new \DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow midnight', $timeZone);
// Use the request builder to generate a GET
// request to /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
$query = new CalendarViewRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters(
startDateTime: $today->format(\DateTime::ATOM),
endDateTime: $tomorrow->format(\DateTime::ATOM));
$config = new CalendarViewRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration(queryParameters: $query);
$eventsRequest = $graphClient->me()->calendarView()->toGetRequestInformation($config);
// Build the batch
// Force the requests to execute in order, so that the request for
// today's events will include the new event created.
// First request, no dependency
$addEventRequestItem = new BatchRequestItem($addEventRequest);
// Second request, depends on addEventRequestItem
$eventsRequestItem = new BatchRequestItem($eventsRequest, dependsOn: [$addEventRequestItem]);
$batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent([$addEventRequestItem, $eventsRequestItem]);
// Create a batch request builder to send the batched requests
$batchRequestBuilder = new BatchRequestBuilder($graphClient->getRequestAdapter());
/** @var BatchResponseContent $batchResponse */
$batchResponse = $batchRequestBuilder->postAsync($batchRequestContent)->wait();
// De-serialize the responses
$createdEvent = $batchResponse->getResponseBody($addEventRequestItem->getId(), Models\Event::class);
print('New event created with ID: '.$createdEvent->getId().PHP_EOL);
// For collections, must use the *CollectionResponse class to deserialize
// getValue will return an array of items
$events = $batchResponse->getResponseBody($eventsRequestItem->getId(), Models\EventCollectionResponse::class);
print('You have '.count($events->getValue()).' events on your calendar today'.PHP_EOL);
// 5:00 PM today
// startOfToday, endOfToday, setHours, setMinutes, format from date-fns
const eventStart = setHours(startOfToday(), 17);
const eventEnd = setMinutes(eventStart, 30);
// Create a batch request step to add an event
const newEvent: Event = {
subject: 'File end-of-day report',
start: {
dateTime: format(eventStart, `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss`),
timeZone: 'Pacific Standard Time',
end: {
// 5:30 PM
dateTime: format(eventEnd, `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss`),
timeZone: 'Pacific Standard Time',
// Request is from fetch polyfill, i.e. node-fetch
const addEventRequestStep: BatchRequestStep = {
id: '1',
request: new Request('https://graph.microsoft.com/me/events', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(newEvent),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const start = startOfToday().toISOString();
const end = endOfToday().toISOString();
// Create a batch request step to GET
// /me/calendarView?startDateTime="start"&endDateTime="end"
const calendarViewRequestStep: BatchRequestStep = {
id: '2',
// This step will happen after step 1
dependsOn: ['1'],
request: new Request(
method: 'GET',
// Create the batch request content with the steps created
// above
const batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent([
const content = await batchRequestContent.getContent();
// POST the batch request content to the /$batch endpoint
const batchResponse = await graphClient.api('/$batch').post(content);
// Create a BatchResponseContent object to parse the response
const batchResponseContent = new BatchResponseContent(batchResponse);
// Get the create event response by id
const newEventResponse = batchResponseContent.getResponseById('1');
if (newEventResponse.ok) {
const event: Event = (await newEventResponse.json()) as Event;
console.log(`New event created with ID: ${event.id}`);
} else {
console.log(`Create event failed with status ${newEventResponse.status}`);
// Get the calendar view response by id
const calendarResponse = batchResponseContent.getResponseById('2');
if (calendarResponse.ok) {
// For a collection of entities, the "value" property of
// the JSON payload can be deserialized into an array of
// the expected type
const rawResponse = (await calendarResponse.json()) as PageCollection;
const events: Event[] = rawResponse.value;
console.log(`You have ${events.length} events on your calendar today.`);
} else {
`Get calendar view failed with status ${calendarResponse.status}`,