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Sustainability scorecards and goals overview

This article offers guidance on how to create scorecards and goals, and how to update the status of goals. Scorecards and goals allow organizations to curate sustainability metrics and track them against key business objectives. Goals can be created based on current and target values, so users can keep track of the progress of current gas emissions, or water/waste intensity, compared to previous periods.

Create a scorecard

To create a sustainability scorecard, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Sustainability Scorecards, and then select the related link.
  2. On the Sustainability Scorecards page, select New to create a new scorecard.
  3. Specify the No. and the Name fields on the General FastTab, and then add the Owner.


In the Owner field, you can only choose users who enabled the Sustainability Manager field on the User Setup page.

Create goals

To create a new sustainability goal, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Sustainability Scorecards, and then select the related link.
  2. Choose the Goals action to create a new sustainability goal for the scorecard.
  3. Select New to start creating a goal.
  4. The Scorecard No. is automatically added based on the value from the sustainability scorecard, and you can't edit this field. Business Central also fills in the Unit of Measure field based on the Emission Unit of Measure Code on the Sustainability Setup page.
  5. Fill in No. and Name of the new sustainability goal. The Owner field is automatically filled in based on the value from the connected Sustainability Scorecard.
  6. You can create a sustainability goal for the entire company, a specific country/region, or a facility. To create a specific goal, choose the country or region in the Country/Region Code field or the facility in the Responsibility Center field.
  7. Select the Start Date and End Date fields to set up a dedicated period for tracking current values. This configuration determines the values in the Current Value for CO2, Current Value for CH4, Current Value for N2O, Current Value for Water Intensity, and Current Value for Waste Intensity fields.
  8. Select the Baseline Start Date and Baseline End Date fields to set up a dedicated baseline period for comparing current values. This configuration determines the values in the Baseline for CO2, Baseline for CH4, Baseline for N2O, Baseline for Water Intensity, and Baseline for Waste Intensity fields.
  9. You can also add target values in the selected Unit of Measure field for the current period using the following Target Value for CO2, Target Value for CH4, Target Value for N2O, Target Value for Water Intensity, and Target Value for Waste Intensity fields.
  10. You can specify one of these goals as a Main Goal. Values from the main goal are used on the Sustainability Manager Role Center.

If you have many goals on the page, you can use the Show My Goals action to show only your goals. To show all, run the Show All Goals action.


You can only create sustainability goals for a specific sustainability scorecard. You can't create goals that aren't related to a scorecard, but you can create more goals for one scorecard. You can only have one sustainability goal as the Main Goal.


You can set up different combinations of goals for the whole company, specific countries or regions, and a responsibility center for a sustainability scorecard. You can also use different periods for the same model of tracking.

Sustainability setup
Chart of sustainability accounts and ledger
How to record sustainability entries
Ad hoc analysis of sustainability data
Sustainability reports and analytics in Business Central
Sustainability API
Work with Business Central

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