Biblioteca de cliente do Azure Communication Email para .NET – versão 1.0.0
Este pacote contém um SDK C# para Azure Communication Services para Email.
Código fonte | Pacote (NuGet) | Documentação do produto
Instalar o pacote
Instale a biblioteca de cliente do Azure Communication Email para .NET com NuGet:
dotnet add package Azure.Communication.Email
Precisa de uma subscrição do Azure, de um Recurso do Serviço de Comunicação e de um Recurso de Comunicação Email com um Domínio ativo.
Para criar estes recursos, pode utilizar o Portal do Azure, o Azure PowerShell ou a biblioteca de cliente de gestão .NET.
fornece a funcionalidade para enviar mensagens de e-mail.
Utilizar instruções
using Azure.Communication.Email;
Autenticar o cliente
Email clientes podem ser autenticados com a cadeia de ligação adquirida a partir de um Recurso de Comunicação do Azure no Portal do Azure.
var connectionString = "<connection_string>"; // Find your Communication Services resource in the Azure portal
EmailClient emailClient = new EmailClient(connectionString);
Em alternativa, Email clientes também podem ser autenticados com uma credencial de token válida. Com esta opção, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
as variáveis de ambiente têm de ser configuradas para autenticação.
string endpoint = "<endpoint_url>";
TokenCredential tokenCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
tokenCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
EmailClient emailClient = new EmailClient(new Uri(endpoint), tokenCredential);
Enviar uma mensagem de e-mail simples com consulta automática para o estado
Para enviar uma mensagem de e-mail, chame a sobrecarga Send
ou função simples da EmailClient
var emailSendOperation = emailClient.Send(
wait: WaitUntil.Completed,
senderAddress: "<Send email address>" // The email address of the domain registered with the Communication Services resource
recipientAddress: "<recipient email address>"
subject: "This is the subject",
htmlContent: "<html><body>This is the html body</body></html>");
Console.WriteLine($"Email Sent. Status = {emailSendOperation.Value.Status}");
/// Get the OperationId so that it can be used for tracking the message for troubleshooting
string operationId = emailSendOperation.Id;
Console.WriteLine($"Email operation id = {operationId}");
catch ( RequestFailedException ex )
/// OperationID is contained in the exception message and can be used for troubleshooting purposes
Console.WriteLine($"Email send operation failed with error code: {ex.ErrorCode}, message: {ex.Message}");
Enviar uma mensagem de e-mail simples com consulta manual para o estado
Para enviar uma mensagem de e-mail, chame a sobrecarga Send
ou função simples da EmailClient
/// Send the email message with WaitUntil.Started
var emailSendOperation = await emailClient.SendAsync(
wait: WaitUntil.Started,
senderAddress: "<Send email address>" // The email address of the domain registered with the Communication Services resource
recipientAddress: "<recipient email address>"
subject: "This is the subject",
htmlContent: "<html><body>This is the html body</body></html>");
/// Call UpdateStatus on the email send operation to poll for the status
/// manually.
while (true)
await emailSendOperation.UpdateStatusAsync();
if (emailSendOperation.HasCompleted)
await Task.Delay(100);
if (emailSendOperation.HasValue)
Console.WriteLine($"Email queued for delivery. Status = {emailSendOperation.Value.Status}");
catch (RequestFailedException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Email send failed with Code = {ex.ErrorCode} and Message = {ex.Message}");
/// Get the OperationId so that it can be used for tracking the message for troubleshooting
string operationId = emailSendOperation.Id;
Console.WriteLine($"Email operation id = {operationId}");
Enviar uma mensagem de e-mail com mais opções
Para enviar uma mensagem de e-mail, chame a sobrecarga de Send
ou SendAsync
função a EmailClient
partir do parâmetro que utiliza um EmailMessage
// Create the email content
var emailContent = new EmailContent("This is the subject")
PlainText = "This is the body",
Html = "<html><body>This is the html body</body></html>"
// Create the EmailMessage
var emailMessage = new EmailMessage(
senderAddress: "<Send email address>" // The email address of the domain registered with the Communication Services resource
recipientAddress: "<recipient email address>"
content: emailContent);
var emailSendOperation = emailClient.Send(
wait: WaitUntil.Completed,
message: emailMessage);
Console.WriteLine($"Email Sent. Status = {emailSendOperation.Value.Status}");
/// Get the OperationId so that it can be used for tracking the message for troubleshooting
string operationId = emailSendOperation.Id;
Console.WriteLine($"Email operation id = {operationId}");
catch ( RequestFailedException ex )
/// OperationID is contained in the exception message and can be used for troubleshooting purposes
Console.WriteLine($"Email send operation failed with error code: {ex.ErrorCode}, message: {ex.Message}");
Enviar uma mensagem de e-mail a vários destinatários
Para enviar uma mensagem de e-mail a vários destinatários, adicione um EmailAddress
objeto para cada tipo de receita ao EmailRecipient
// Create the email content
var emailContent = new EmailContent("This is the subject")
PlainText = "This is the body",
Html = "<html><body>This is the html body</body></html>"
// Create the To list
var toRecipients = new List<EmailAddress>
new EmailAddress(
address: "<recipient email address>"
displayName: "<recipient displayname>"
new EmailAddress(
address: "<recipient email address>"
displayName: "<recipient displayname>"
// Create the CC list
var ccRecipients = new List<EmailAddress>
new EmailAddress(
address: "<recipient email address>"
displayName: "<recipient displayname>"
new EmailAddress(
address: "<recipient email address>"
displayName: "<recipient displayname>"
// Create the BCC list
var bccRecipients = new List<EmailAddress>
new EmailAddress(
address: "<recipient email address>"
displayName: "<recipient displayname>"
new EmailAddress(
address: "<recipient email address>"
displayName: "<recipient displayname>"
var emailRecipients = new EmailRecipients(toRecipients, ccRecipients, bccRecipients);
// Create the EmailMessage
var emailMessage = new EmailMessage(
senderAddress: "<Send email address>" // The email address of the domain registered with the Communication Services resource
EmailSendOperation emailSendOperation = emailClient.Send(WaitUntil.Completed, emailMessage);
Console.WriteLine($"Email Sent. Status = {emailSendOperation.Value.Status}");
/// Get the OperationId so that it can be used for tracking the message for troubleshooting
string operationId = emailSendOperation.Id;
Console.WriteLine($"Email operation id = {operationId}");
catch ( RequestFailedException ex )
/// OperationID is contained in the exception message and can be used for troubleshooting purposes
Console.WriteLine($"Email send operation failed with error code: {ex.ErrorCode}, message: {ex.Message}");
Enviar e-mail com anexos
Azure Communication Services suporte para o envio de e-mails com anexos.
// Create the EmailMessage
var emailMessage = new EmailMessage(
senderAddress: "<Send email address>" // The email address of the domain registered with the Communication Services resource
recipientAddress: "<recipient email address>"
content: emailContent);
var filePath = "<path to your file>";
var attachmentName = "<name of your attachment>";
var contentType = MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain;
var content = new BinaryData(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath));
var emailAttachment = new EmailAttachment(attachmentName, contentType, content);
EmailSendOperation emailSendOperation = emailClient.Send(WaitUntil.Completed, emailMessage);
Console.WriteLine($"Email Sent. Status = {emailSendOperation.Value.Status}");
/// Get the OperationId so that it can be used for tracking the message for troubleshooting
string operationId = emailSendOperation.Id;
Console.WriteLine($"Email operation id = {operationId}");
catch ( RequestFailedException ex )
/// OperationID is contained in the exception message and can be used for troubleshooting purposes
Console.WriteLine($"Email send operation failed with error code: {ex.ErrorCode}, message: {ex.Message}");
Resolução de problemas
Um RequestFailedException
é emitido como uma resposta de serviço para quaisquer pedidos sem êxito. A exceção contém informações sobre que código de resposta foi devolvido do serviço.
Passos seguintes
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