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DataOperationsCatalog.CreateEnumerable<TRow> Método


Converter um IDataView em um tipo IEnumerable<T>forte.

public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TRow> CreateEnumerable<TRow>(Microsoft.ML.IDataView data, bool reuseRowObject, bool ignoreMissingColumns = false, Microsoft.ML.Data.SchemaDefinition schemaDefinition = default) where TRow : class, new();
member this.CreateEnumerable : Microsoft.ML.IDataView * bool * bool * Microsoft.ML.Data.SchemaDefinition -> seq<'Row (requires 'Row : null and 'Row : (new : unit -> 'Row))> (requires 'Row : null and 'Row : (new : unit -> 'Row))
Public Function CreateEnumerable(Of TRow As {Class, New}) (data As IDataView, reuseRowObject As Boolean, Optional ignoreMissingColumns As Boolean = false, Optional schemaDefinition As SchemaDefinition = Nothing) As IEnumerable(Of TRow)

Parâmetros de tipo


O tipo de item definido pelo usuário.



A exibição de dados subjacente.


Se deseja retornar o mesmo objeto em cada linha ou alocar um novo por linha.


Se deve ignorar o caso quando uma coluna solicitada não estiver presente na exibição de dados.


Definição de esquema opcional fornecida pelo usuário. Se não estiver presente, o esquema será inferido da definição de T.



O IEnumerable<T> que contém os dados em data. Ele pode ser enumerado várias vezes.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML;

namespace Samples.Dynamic
    public static class DataViewEnumerable
        // A simple case of creating IDataView from
        public static void Example()
            // Create a new context for ML.NET operations. It can be used for
            // exception tracking and logging,
            // as a catalog of available operations and as the source of randomness.
            var mlContext = new MLContext();

            // Get a small dataset as an IEnumerable.
            IEnumerable<SampleTemperatureData> enumerableOfData =

            // Load dataset into an IDataView. 
            IDataView data = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(enumerableOfData);

            // We can now examine the records in the IDataView. We first create an
            // enumerable of rows in the IDataView.
            var rowEnumerable = mlContext.Data
                reuseRowObject: true);

            // SampleTemperatureDataWithLatitude has the definition of a Latitude
            // column of type float. We can use the parameter ignoreMissingColumns
            // to true to ignore any missing columns in the IDataView. The produced
            // enumerable will have the Latitude field set to the default for the
            // data type, in this case 0. 
            var rowEnumerableIgnoreMissing = mlContext.Data
                reuseRowObject: true, ignoreMissingColumns: true);

            foreach (var row in rowEnumerable)

            // Expected output:
            //  Date    Temperature
            //  1/2/2012        36
            //  1/3/2012        36
            //  1/4/2012        34
            //  1/5/2012        35
            //  1/6/2012        35

            foreach (var row in rowEnumerableIgnoreMissing)
                    + $"\t{row.Latitude}");

            // Expected output:
            //  Date    Temperature     Latitude
            //  1/2/2012        36      0
            //  1/3/2012        36      0
            //  1/4/2012        34      0
            //  1/5/2012        35      0
            //  1/6/2012        35      0

        private class SampleTemperatureData
            public DateTime Date { get; set; }
            public float Temperature { get; set; }

        private class SampleTemperatureDataWithLatitude
            public float Latitude { get; set; }
            public DateTime Date { get; set; }
            public float Temperature { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a fake temperature dataset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleCount">The number of examples to return.</param>
        /// <returns>An enumerable of <see cref="SampleTemperatureData"/>.</returns>
        private static IEnumerable<SampleTemperatureData> GetSampleTemperatureData(
            int exampleCount)

            var rng = new Random(1234321);
            var date = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1);
            float temperature = 39.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < exampleCount; i++)
                date = date.AddDays(1);
                temperature += rng.Next(-5, 5);
                yield return new SampleTemperatureData
                    Date = date,
                    Temperature =


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