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EKErrorCode Enum


Errors returned by Event Kit.

public enum EKErrorCode
type EKErrorCode = 


Name Value Description
EventNotMutable 0

The event cannot be modified.

NoCalendar 1

The event does not have an associated calendar.

NoStartDate 2

The StartDate property has not been set for the event.

NoEndDate 3

The EndDate property has not been set for the event.

DatesInverted 4

The event EndDate cannot occur before the event StartDate

InternalFailure 5

An internal error has occurred.

CalendarReadOnly 6

The calendar cannot be modified.

DurationGreaterThanRecurrence 7

The event duration is too large for the interval specified by the event's recurrence rule.

AlarmGreaterThanRecurrence 8

The alarm's RelativeOffset is too large for the interval specified by the event's recurrence rule.

StartDateTooFarInFuture 9

The event's StartDate is beyond the end of the calendar.

StartDateCollidesWithOtherOccurrence 10

The event's StartDate is set to collide with other occurrences of the same event.

ObjectBelongsToDifferentStore 11

The object is not stored in the same event store.

InvitesCannotBeMoved 12

Invites cannot be modified.

InvalidSpan 13

The time span for the event was invalid.

CalendarHasNoSource 14

The calendar could not be saved because its source was not set.

CalendarSourceCannotBeModified 15

The calendar source can not be modified.

CalendarIsImmutable 16

The calendar is immutable.

SourceDoesNotAllowCalendarAddDelete 17

The source will not allow the developer to add or delete calendars.

RecurringReminderRequiresDueDate 18

A recurring reminder's due date was missing.

StructuredLocationsNotSupported 19

The soure does not support structured locations.

ReminderLocationsNotSupported 20

Locations are not supported for reminders on the source.

AlarmProximityNotSupported 21

Geofenced alarms are not supported.

CalendarDoesNotAllowEvents 22

The calendar does not allow events.

CalendarDoesNotAllowReminders 23

The calendar does not allow reminders.

SourceDoesNotAllowReminders 24

The source does not allow reminders.

SourceDoesNotAllowEvents 25

The source does not allow events.

PriorityIsInvalid 26
InvalidEntityType 27
ProcedureAlarmsNotMutable 28
EventStoreNotAuthorized 29
OSNotSupported 30

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